Back In Time (Editing)

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"Why me?" I asked in a shaky voice, looking up into his blue eyes.

"Why not?" Dumbledore retorted.

I shook my head, annoyed "I mean really. Why me?"

Dumbledore sighed and smiled warmly at me "You and only you have the power to change Tom Riddle and I am sorry that you may not understand what that means now."

I opened my mouth to speak but Dumbledore waved me off "I can not tell you now." He said sternly. "I have already packed your suitcase." He gestured to my suitcase which was leant against a desk leg. "I have three letters: one for you, one for the headmaster of that time and one for my past self. I also have an extension charmed bag of money for you. They are all in your suitcase as well"

"Thank you, sir." I said politely.

Dumbledore passed me the timeturner. "I have already set the timeturner. All you need to do is put it round your neck."

He looked smiled gravely at me "I think It's best you go now. Until our paths cross again Karen Lily Potter."

I put the timeturner around my neck and grabbed my suitcase. There were so many thoughts running through my head. What if the timeturner doesn't work? What if Tom Riddles decides to kill me? What if-What about Harry?!"

"Sir what about Harry?" I shouted. I could feel the timeturner working-no going back now.

"He will be told." Dumbledore's voice echoed through my brain.

Everything was swimming. I suddenly couldn't anything- time was going too fast.

"Remember miss Potter, that timeturner is your lifeline." I heard Dumbledore before I fell to the ground.

I opened my eyes a few moments later to find no Dumbledore in the office but a different man with his back to me.

I cleared my throat as I stood up. The man gave a yelp of surprise when he saw me.

"Wh-what you doing here? The train hasn't arrived yet." He asked.

I had to think of something quickly "Uh..." I looked towards the fireplace "I uh came by flu power network." I stated but it sounded more like a question. "I have a letter!" I remembered. I opened my suitcase and pulled out a letter which was addressed to Professor Dippet handed him the letter.

After a few minutes of silence he looked up from the letter. "So your a transfer from Beauxbaton,Do you happen to be related to anyone in the school, miss Greengrass."

Greengrass? Oh right...probably my new surname. So that meant I have to pretend I'm a pureblood as the Greengrass family from my time are upper-class purebloods.

"Yes... But they're cousins... I haven't ever met them though." I said slowly.

Professor Dippet nodded. "I suppose you should try the sorting hat on now so your not embarrassed by lining up with first years."

I grinned nervously and tried to stop my hair from turning teal, the colour it turns when I'm nervous.

The ends of my hair had changed colour when Dippet left to get the hat.

I concentrated hard and managed to get it back to it's usual colour before he came back with the hat.

He pulled the sorting hat onto my head.

"Hello Karen Potter" a voice in my head whispered.

"Hello." I whispered back.

"Now let's see...which house to put you in" the hat murmured. "You came here on a mission didn't you little time traveller?"

I gulped while the hate rummaged through my brain.

"You would suit a Ravanclaw with your intelligence and Gryffindor with your bravery. Not Hufflepuff- definitely not. Slytherin would suit you best for your cunning and your mission so... SLYTHERIN!"

"I don't want to be in bloody Slytherin!" I shout-whispered.

"Tough my dear" The hat said in a bored tone as it was taken off my head.

Professor Dippet put the hat away and came back to me. "I shall escort you to the Great Hall as students will be arriving now."

I nodded still in shock and fighting down with all my will to keep my hair from turning green.

I followed Dippet out of his office and down the corridor.

I saw a boy around my age walking down the corridor as well. He was H-O-T if I do say so myself.

He had dark ebony hair that just made you want to grab it and rip it off- or is that just me?

His eyes were dark also but there was something off about him which I just couldn't place my finger on.

"Hello." Professor Dippet said to the hot guy.

"Hello sir." He replied tonelessly which didn't change Dippet's happy mood.

"Can you please take this young lady to the Great Hall? I have some errands to run." Dippet said to him.

The boy nodded slowly looking at me distastefully.

"Well I'll leave you to it. Nice to see you again Tom Riddle.

My eyes widened. This was bad. This was very, very bad...

I called Tom Riddle hot!

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