Waking up

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Karen POV:

I felt cold.

Is this the feeling you get when you die?

The pain was numbed slightly by the coolness of my skin which I guess could be an upside of being cold.

Wait! If I was I was in a fire shouldn't I be burning to death right now?

So...I'm not dead...yet?

I should try waking up then.

I couldn't.

My eyes were too heavy.

I mentally sighed.

If this is how people spend there time in comas then there life must be soooo boring.

I have to wake up.

I'm not a very patient person.

I could try... talking?

Yes of course Karen, what a great idea. I told myself sarcastically. If half the people who were in comas could talk then the chance of them waking up would be so high they wouldn't have enough life support machines to go round.

Well I haven't got anything better to do.

Come to think of it I don't have anything to do.

Hello? I tried to say but no sound escaped my lips.

Oh come on! I'm a freakin' witch. Surly I'll be able to think of something to wake up!

My hand suddenly felt warm.

Someone was holding my hand.

I tried to squeeze it but I failed as It seemed I was immobilized.

The feeling from my hand was gone which meant that they had probably gone now.

That meant I defiantly wasn't dead.

But being the idiot I am I didn't have the sense to check my heart beat a few- was it minutes ago?

I couldn't tell the time so for all I know I could have been here for day, weeks or years!

Okay... Maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, here!

Actually, Where was here?

My body could have been moved anywhere.

No need to panic, I think...

I'm most likely in the hospital wing.

No use dwelling on things that are impossible to know.

Might as well get some sleep.


If your in a supposedly coma, how do you sleep? Or are you forever like this?


I shivered as tingles electrified me.

I felt a hand touch my hair.

I twitched and the hand jerked back away from me.

Don't go! I wanted to plea.

I had a desiring whelm to know who touched me.

My hands clasped around the bed I was lying in.

I could hear several gasps from around the room.

Without knowing how I did it, I opened my eyes.

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