Meeting the enemy

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(Author note: Tom Riddle is in the picture)

Tom eyed me and crossed his arms.

"My name is Tom Riddle and you are?" He said walking towards me, almost as if he were a lion and I was merely his next meal.

I bit my lip "I-I'm Karen. Karen Greengrass." I stuttered.
Goddamn it Karen get your act together.

"Blood status? Pure-blood?" He asked suddenly. "Well you must be as your a Greengrass..."

"Does it matter?" I queried in disbelief.

Tom stared at me coldly and I could feel my heart pounding. He started circling me and I could smell his minty breath across my face. He was a good foot taller than me so it was kinda intimidating.

"No-one answers me back." He whispered.
Great now I just pissed of the murderer of my parents.

"You might be used to playing mind games with your so called 'friends'-" I said before I could stop myself "-But no-one controls me."

I have an instant playback if what I just said and mentally cringe. Bad move Karen.

Tom looked me in the eye and I trembled when I looked into the cruel, pitiless iris. "Watch yourself, Greengrass." He said in a deadly voice, gripping my wrist tightly with his cold hands.

I winced in pain before wrenching my arm away from him."I will!" I said in an equally deadly voice.

I walked angrily in the direction of the Great hall.

"I thought you were new here"

I looked back to Tom who had a slight smirk on his face, despite our argument seconds ago.

"I am..." I said confused.

"Then how do you know where the Great Hall is?"

"I-uh don't..." I mentally cursed myself. How could I be so stupid? I'm meant to pretend I've never been here before.

Tom smirked. "Then follow me."

I sighed and followed him even though I knew where the Great Hall was.

"What house have you been put in?" He asked sharply

"Gry-Slytherin. I'm in Slytherin." I said remembering I wasn't in my time any more.

"Huh." He with no emotion in his voice monotone voice.
Always nice to know you're wanted.

We reached the Great Hall and I sat down as far away from Tom as possible which was easy as a huge fan club surrounded him.

Professor Dippet walked in a few minutes later and took his place at the teacher's table. "Now for the sorting!" His voice boomed around the Hall.

The sorting hat was brought up by one of the teachers who began to call out names.

"David Salter!" The teacher called out.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat shouted.

I heard a snigger next to me that came from a girl. I turned to look at her.

"What's wrong with Hufflepuff?" I asked.

"That place is for duffers." She said with a snort of laughter. "Your new here aren't you? I don't recognise you..."

I nodded "I'm Karen Po-Greengrass." I said hurriedly. Greengrass not Potter I said to myself. Pure-blood not half-blood.

She looked at me- her face filled with shock.

"That's strange..." The girl said looking confused. "I'm Daphne Greengrass."

Oh no. This is just not happening.

Time Switch (Tom Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now