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(Author note: Daphne Greengrass is in the picture)

I smiled awkwardly "Really? Your a Greengrass too?" I said, trying not to sound horrified.

"Yes... Are you my cousin or something?" Daphne asked slowly.

Think Karen. Come on.

"Um I think we're second cousins. But I come from Beauxbaton so you probably haven't seen me before."

Daphne seemed to believe me as she grinned at me. "I guess we can be buddies then as we're related. We have so much catching up to do!"

"Yeah..." I said in a bored voice that Daphne didn't notice. "Buddies."

After the sorting and feast I was lead to the Common Room by Daphne.

"I wonder who I'll be sharing a dorm with this year!" She squeaked excitedly while I pretended to be interested by putting on a fake smile.

I was taken into a dormitory by prefect.

"Karen!" I heard someone shout with joy. "We're in the the same dorm!" The voice turned out to be Daphne's.

I grinned, happy to be in the same dorm as someone I knew.

"Hello" someone else said. "I'm Summer Hale."

"Hello Summer. I'm Karen Greengrass." I replied cheerfully.

"Your related?" Summer asked looking between Daphne and I.

Daphne nodded. "She's a transfer from Beauxbaton."

Summer smiled shyly. "So that means your a pure-blood."

Ugh! This is so annoying! What is everyone's problem with blood status?

"Yeah. What blood are you?" I said kindly, not wanting to offend my new friend.

Summer shook her head "I'm half-blood."

"What's wrong with being a half-blood?" I asked, confused.

"Well it's just that Slytherin's see muggle-blood as a disgrace so-" Summer was suddenly cut off.

"Oh this is just great. Real great I have to share a dorm with all you dorks." A loud voice said from behind me which made me fall off my bed in surprise.

The person who had just walked in had brown lanky hair and icy blue eyes that made me shiver when I looked at them.

"That's Rose Parkinson. " Summer whispered to me.

I can't believe how unlucky I am today.This Parkinson was probably just as bad as Pansy Parkinson back in my time. Now, now don't be prejudice. She could be really nice.

"Ugh! Who are you?" She looked at me with distaste. 

Okay I take back what I just said.

"Your worst nightmare." I crossed my arms. "Now if you don't mind lowering your voice I'd like to get some rest so I don't have to look at your pug-face anymore." Maybe I'd gone a bit too far.

Parkinson looked furious "You really don't want to make an enemy of me." Her nostril's flaring.

"Too late, Parkinson." I smirked. "I already have."

I could taste my victory in the air as Parkinson huffed and stormed out of the room.

Daphne and Summer grinned at each other. 

"That was brilliant Karen." Daphne grinned.

"I guess we're all on her bad side now then, aren't we?" Summer looked down.

"Who cares?" I smiled. "Did you see her pug-face?"

Daphne and Summer giggled.

"We've got a long day ahead of us so I'm gonna get some shut eye." I stated.

I changed into PJs in the bathroom and got into bed.

I closed my eyes and drifted off.

My mission starts tomorrow.

Time Switch (Tom Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now