The Voice

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(Author note: Summer Hale is in the picture)

Summer, Daphne and I walked into the Great Hall together for breakfast. I was wearing Slytherin robes that Dumbledore had packed in my suitcase. I think he already knew which house I'd be in. I wondered how he knew. I was a well known trouble maker in my time and had been in many, many detentions.

When I was in first year I had to practically beg the sorting hat to not put me in Slytherin as I wanted to be with my brother, Harry.

"Sausages, Karen?" Summer asked me snapping me out of my train of thought.

"Oh, no thank you. I think I'll just stick to toast" I said politely declining her offer.

I smeared jam on my toast and devoured it hungrily.

"I've never seen someone eat that fast. You'll choke on something at this rate!" Summer joked.

I giggled.

I suddenly found a piece of parchment being thrust in my face.

"Well how ru-" I looked up into the face of a teacher I knew from my time but of course the younger version- Professor Slughorn.

"-I mean what is this?" I asked him.

"That is your time table." He said uninterested moving on to give more students their time tables.

Of course. How like Slughorn. He's only interested in people who are known for something Harry.

I looked down at my time table and read what lessons we had today;

Monday: Divination, Divination, DADA, DADA, Charms, Charms

"Not too bad today." Summer observed looking over my shoulder.

"Except Divination." Daphne grumbled.

We got up to go to first lessons.

A crazed looking woman was sitting on a stool- she looked even more freaky than Professor Trelawney from my time.

"Welcome, welcome." She mused gazing off into the distance. "Take your places, children so we may begin the lesson." Her voice seemed mystical as well as creepy that I thought suited her appearance well.

I sat next to Summer at a small round table with two orbs on it. Daphne sat next to her best friend Alice who was also in Slytherin just not in our dorm.

"Look into the orbs." The teacher said quietly. "What can you see?" The crazed woman sat on her stool looking round at the class.

"What do you see?" I Summer asked me looking over her orb.

"Swirly grey stuff." I said in boredom.

"Maybe there will be fog tonight." Summer grinned and we both giggled.

Daphne turned round in her seat as we were sitting back to back of each other. "You guys making any sense of this?" She whispered

I shook my head glumly.

This went on for about an hour by which time I was almost asleep and the musty smell in the air made concentrating worse.

"My dear are you in the beyond?"

I jumped and almost knocked the orb off my desk as the teacher spoke from behind me.

"If by that you mean sleeping then yes." I replied cheekily which made my class-mates laugh.

The teacher narrowed her beady eyes at me and walked off preferably to find some other student to patronize.

A few minutes later the bell rang and everyone left the classroom for break.

I walked with Summer down the endless corridors to get to the Common Room.

"Massster" A voice whispered.

I looked around to see who spoke but nobody other than Summer was in sight.

"Did you say that?" I queried eyeing her.

Summer shook her head "Say what?"

"Kill." The voice said again.

The voice did sound like the one I heard in second year with Harry.

That when I realized.

"Summer, you head back to Common Room I just need to check something." I said quickly "I won't be too long, okay? I'll be back for before end of break."

Summer gave me a smile "You better." She walked off down the corridor.

When Summer was no longer in sight I ran my hand along the wall.

"Where are you?" I whispered.

Maybe the bathroom. That's where it was in my time.

I went to the girls bathroom where Moaning Myrtle in the future would hang out.

"No!" I heard a male voice say to someone or something.

"But massster-" The other voice I heard in the corridor begged.

"Not yet." The male voice scolded. "I have to go."

Oh s***

I heard a sound of a heavy object being moved.

Maybe the best option would be just to stroll in and pretend I did't hear a thing. Yeah, I'll do that.

I causally waltzed into the girl's bathroom and walked right into someone.

I wobbled and they fell on top of me.

This was a very odd position so I was thankful that no one else was around.

I felt minty breath on my face and knew at once who was on me.


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