Tom or Riddle

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"Greengrass." Tom growled.

Back to last names are we?

I covered my fear with shock.

"Riddle I didn't expect you here." I said a bit too innocently "What were you doing using girl's vacillates? I can't say I blame you as boy's toilets stink."

Riddle glowered at me "How much did you here?" He demanded.

"What were you talking to yourself?" I smirked at him.

Riddle narrowed his eyes.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked me coldly.

"Well Riddle, as I'm human I do have bowel needs and unlike you-"

Riddle cut across me. "Yes I don't need to know about woman problems." He sneered. "Why call me Tom one minute then Riddle the next?"

"Because I've decided you don't deserve a first name." glared at him.

Riddle gripped my thin wrists tightly. I shivered as he touched me "You're hiding something and I want to know what it it is." He whispered. "Tell me or otherwise-"

"Or what? Always with the threatening and wrist grabbing. Are you bipolar? OUCH!" My head seared with pain. "STOP!" I yelled. "That's private."

I managed to keep him out of my head.

I panted heavily on the ground with numb hands as Riddle was stopping my blood from circulating.

I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks- I was livid.

"Massster..." I heard a distant voice say "Should I kill it?"

Riddle smirked "Maybe you should."

My eyes were wide I knew he was talking to the basilisk.

I made some strangled sounds which in English was 'Don't you dare touch me you slimy git. I command you to go away!'

I heard the basilisk hiss and slither back.

"How?" Riddle looked bewildered.

Do it now I urged myself. While his guards down.

I shoved him off of me and he sprawled on the floor.

I was so angry I slapped him round the face hard.

I felt tingles of electricity shoot through my hand as I whacked him. I passed it off as adrenalin.

He held his face where I just hit him. I could see something in his eyes that wasn't pure evil for once but I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

Not wanting to ruin my chance of escape I ran out of the bathroom.

I sprinted down numerous hallways until I encountered a familiar face.

"Daphne!" I yelled at her "Thank god. Where's the Common Room?"

"Follow me."

I followed her to the Slytherin Common Room.

"pure blood." She said to the portrait.

What and obvious password.

"What's wrong?" She asked once we were inside.

"Oh I just got lost being new and all." I said honestly not saying the whole truth.

"Okay, If that's all." Daphne turned away from me to chat with some other friends.

I just hoped that I didn't have another scene with Riddle.

Was this all part of the mission.

If so I wasn't exactly doing a good job.

Time Switch (Tom Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now