Chapter 10

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Weeks later, Prince Loki, Queen Frigga and the Prince's personal maid had taken apart every single sound the king had made regarding the promise and the wedding and pushed the King to make a decisive testimony.

"Enough. If you are so determined to prove that Prince Dökkur did not fulfill the challenge, please, enlighten me with your arguments." He had enough of all the whining of his son.

"I'm thankful father. As you know, I stated that I did smile because I remembered a conversation I had and not because of Prince Dökkur's attempts. Also, it was not the first time someone made me smile and I have witnesses to prove my point." Now Odin was interested.

"Who are these witnesses you have?" he asked, his full attention on his son.

"We, my dear," a female voice answered confident. His own wife and son stood from their seats since everyone, but the servants, was seated for dinner.

"Frigga? Thor? What is the meaning of this?" he asked. Suspiciousness surfaced since the only ones to stand for Loki's assertion were members of his family.

"We have seen him smile. We can't say who it was that caused his face to curve in happiness but he did, father," the blonde Prince stated. The Queen nodded in agreement.

"Is there anyone else who could confirm this event?" he asked. He had all right to be leery. A deadly silence lowered itself onto the room. It was like a heavy fabric slowly suffocating the Prince and his hopes.






















"I can," a female voice spoke up. The Allfather had just opened his mouth to say something but was cut short before even beginning. A woman stepped up from between the other maids. Her hair was braided like so often and a black uniform with white accents clunked to her frame.

"And you are?" Odin asked. His voice was intimidating but it didn't cause the maid to shy away. She stood proud as he starred down onto her.

"I am Prince Loki's personal maid," she exclaimed. A small mumbling went through the room but died down fast.

"And what did you see?" the Allfather asked still trying to scare her.

"You know that it is my duty to be there if the Prince needs anything. Therefore, I am present most of the day. It happened that I witnessed an interaction between the Prince and a woman that I do not know. Whoever she was, she caused a smile to spret on his face," she reported. Loki was stunned. He was considered the God of lies but she got verry much close to his abilities.

"Verry well then, if this person wanted to assert her claim, she may turn up and prove her abilities by making him laugh once again. She has time till the wedding next week. After that, there will never be any chance of changing anything." With this, dinner ended and the maid followed the Prince to his chambers.

As they arrived, the Prince was joined by his mother.

"What do you think we should do now?" she asked and sat down in one of the armchairs.

"I do not know, Mother. I appreciate the help you three offered but now we have reached a final point. We are not going to find someone who could fulfil the task of making me laugh nor someone who would play along and not bound me to them in the act," he stated and slumped onto the sofa.

The Queen and her son talked and tried to find a solution as the (H/C)-haired maid cleaned the room once so often.

--- Time Skip ---

Queen Frigga bid the Prince good night and the women left.

"My dear, I'd like to ask you a question," she hummed and pulled the maid aside.

"Yes, my Queen," she answered, expressing that her unshared attention belonged to the Queen.

"What was the reason for your statement today?" she questioned and her expression seemed serious.

"I- I saw how much the topic troubled the Prince and I only wanted to help him," she answered honestly.

"I see but why tell a lie? You stated that you saw another woman that made him smile when you were it?" she followed up.

"It is not my point to betrayal the Prince's trust and I don't want the attention. If I am to be the reason for him to smile, I don't want a reward for it. The only thing that matters is the Prince's happiness and if I said something else today, the Allfather may had decided to force the two of us to marry and I do not wish for Prince Loki to be pushed into something he does not want," she concluded and looked the blonde in the eyes. Queen Frigga nodded knowingly.

"If we were not to find any other solution, I ask you to show them the truth."


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