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A few days had passed and the nations are on their way back. They are both very tried from Working. Asian fixes his glasses. They both sigh deeply. "Finally... This all over...." "I know right..."

A few seconds after closing their eyes to get some rest, their phones ring. They both sigh deeply in annoyance. It must be work related. They both picked up. "Hello?" They feel like they almost became deaf Because of how loud the sound was. "What? Too loud.... What the hell?! I found understand anything..." Asean says. They hear a deep breathe before they spoke. It's Denmark who called Asean and it's Iceland who called EU. "What? Speak!"

"PHIL AND NORWAY ARE ENGAGED AND THEY HAVE BEEN ENGAGED FOR A FEW DAYS NOW! WE'VE BEEN WAITING TO TELL YOU GUYS!" Their eyes widen in shock upon hearing the news. They quickly tell the pilot to go faster. Even if t shouldn't be allowed to go at a faster speed, the pilot did it anyways and thankfully they landed safely.

They immediately got on the limo to go to Phil and the others. The whole way to them is clear so if they were to go fast, they won't run into any car. It would be safe to go at a high speed.

As soon as the car stopped at their destination, they quickly got off to run to Phil and Norway. They are all shocked to see them home so soon. "Why are you both home so soon? Did you both tell the pilot to step on it?! That's dangerous and risky! Please don't do that ever again!" Sweden remakes that it's dangerous and risky but thankfully they landed safe and sound.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier?!" The two nations ask. "Well that's because the both of you will do what you both just did. We waited until your work are all done so that we won't be interrupting. Phil knew that you guys would go home as soon as you both heard the news and Phil didn't want you guys to have any unfinished work so he said to not tell you guys yet" Norway explains to them. "That's.... Touche...." EU replies.

"Is it public now?" EU asks.

"Wait for it..... Now, yes" Denmark quickly opened the t.v to show the news. And just as planned, the news anchor us talking about the engagement of the two of them. There will be a lot of posts soon because the public now knows.

"Congratulations to the both of you!" The nations hug Philip them shake Norway's hand. Denmark is happy that he got o post the videos and pictures on that day and on this day because he is finally allowed too. Not their engagement is official to the public.

They will be getting married soon!

They pretty much have everything planned out for the wedding. There's just one last thing that they are finishing up. They are finishing up the guest list. Of course people that will be in the list are Denmark, Finland, Indo, Poland, Germany, kazkhstan, The nations, Iceland, Sweden and others. Phil fixed his friendships with Indo and Poland. But there's one person that he hasn't talked to in years....

Phil is still nervous to talk to him but Norway keeps persuading him. Norway told him that he doesn't need to forgive him, he just needs to talk to him. Get some closure after so many years.

After so much persuading, Phil finally agreed. Phil and Indo are quite nervous but there's no turning back now.

Norway is behind the both of them. They both turn to him, showing that they are nervous and uncomfortable. Norway gibes them both thumbs up, meaning that they should keep calm and go.

They both sigh and continue to walk. Phil doesn't want to do this but he feels like he also needs to.... Him and Norway will be getting married soon and some closure WOULD he good. Phil can start a new life with Norway.

Malaysia is also very nervous. They make some noise which makes Malaysia acknowledge that they are standing behind him. They all gulp hard.

Malaysia turns his back to face the two of them. They all avoid each other's eyes. They are all hurting.... Pained....

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