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Phil never smiles around Russia. He only smiles when he's with Finland. Russia lets him do whatever he wants to do. Phil and Finland spend time with each other everyday. Finland and Philip are doing what Russia told them to do, no intimacy. Are they really even dating even if they aren't even allowed to hug or hold hands? Technically yes.

Finland wants to do it right. Once Phil gets the chance to break up with Russia, they will announce to the whole world that the two of them are dating.

Phil has been dating Russia and Finland for so time now.

Phil smiles as he smells the flowers that Finland gave him. A sudden thought aroused in him.... Russia has been very nice to him.... It almost seems like Russia is courting him. He's confused.... Russia when they were still starting out, was really nice and quite romantic. But he became toxic and abusive. Russia keeps changing from being the best boyfriend ever to being a real jerk and a toxic abusive a**hole. Russia has also been giving Philip flowers and gifts that Philip likes. Phil can never really fully understand Russia.

He hears a knock which snaps him out of his thoughts. He turns to the man that is holding a bouquet of flowers and a tray that has teacups. "Are you busy, Phil?" Russia asks in a soft tone. "No" Philip answers truthfully. "That's good to hear.... I.... got you these.... And do you want to drink some tea with me? I Mena no harm... I juts want to spend some time with you" Russia tells him then gives him the bouquet of flowers. Phil takes them then he looks at them before looking back at the flowers that Finland gave them. "Don't worry, I won't make you throw them away.... You can throw the ones that I juts gave you, in the trash if you wish" Russia tells him. Phil doesn't really hate his guts and Phil doesn't posses any intentions of throwing the flowers that Russia gave him, away.

Philip sets the flowers down on the table, right beside the ones that Finland gave him. "It's chamomile tea, if you don't like t then I'll get you another type of tea if you want" Russia tells him then he fills up Phil's teacup. "Here, drink it" Russia tells him. Phil looks at him then examines the teacup. The smell of it is pretty appetizing for Philip. "If you don't like it then you don't have to drink it" Russia tells him. "If you're concerned about whether or not I spiked your drink then don't worry because I didn't" Russia adds. Philip then takes the teacup. He can tell that it's not poisoned nor is it spiked with anything. He drinks the chamomile tea. Phil really likes the teas that Russia makes, especially the chamomile tea which he is drinking right now. "It tastes great as always" Philip tell him. Phil is very satisfied with the tea that Russia made. Russia also pours himself down tea. The two of them enjoy some tea together, without talking to each other.

"Phil, I've been meaning to ask you......"

"What have you been meaning to ask me?, Russ"

Russia gulps hard then he takes a deep breath. Russia won't say it Immediately. "Hey, Phil, are you busy tommorow? Of you have any plans with Finland? If so, I'll just ask you another day then"

"I'm actually not"

"My schedule is free for tommorow"

Philip replies to his question.

"Then.... Can I ask you a favor?"

"What is it?, Russ?"

"Can we go on a date?" Russia asks him. Philip stays silent for a moment before answering. "I guess...." Philip didn't really know how to respond. Since Russia isn't acting like a bad person, why not?

"Really?" Russia is elated to hear him agree. "You're not going to do something I won't like, right?" "Of course not, Philip, I'll make sure to make you happy!" Philip is feeling quite bored so he agreed to the date.

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