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The Nations knew that it would be a bad idea if they were to let Philip live by himself since he can harm himself and even worse.... He could end his life without anyone knowing

And thus they declared that Philip is to live with them wether he likes it or not. This way they can give him proper treatment to his wounds, if he ever harms himself in his room. Phil is allowed to have visitors such as Finland.

It's Normal at school. Although Phil isn't Norway's finance anymore, people still do not bully him since he's officially a part of the blue law and Phil sometimes interacts with the Nordic brothers.

Their lives have changed drastically. Poland is now happy with Germany, he's not an outcast anymore. Malaysia is not an outcast anymore, he's still apart of America's group but.... He's has a change of heart.... But his pride won't let him do the right thing. Malaysia doesn't want to be an outcast anymore.... He knows that no other group will take him and that's true. If Malasysia were to tell Ame that he doesn't want to be apart of their group anymore then he would easily be let go and they will start to bully him because he'll be an outcast. And Philip won't save him. Phil will turn a blind eye such as what Malaysia has been doing for the past years.....

Phil is very vulnerable at his state. Phil is suicidal again. Norway has been hiding... Norway may or may not be going to school but he doesn't interact with anyone. Norway's brothers refuse to talk to him. They don't believe that he isn't innocent since the photo was clearly showing his infidelity.

The photo clearly shows Norway with a smirk and his eyes are open. He wasn't sleeping.

"Where's Denmark?"

"Who cares? He doesn't have a girlfriend so let him be"

"But the class is starting"

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry, Sweden, he'll be back, he probably saw something stupid outside so he took a million pictures of it"

Just as they expected, he came running in before the professor came. He was sweating so much.

"Where were you?"

"That was clutch wasn't it?"

Iceland punches him on the shoulder as their other brothers roll their eyes.

"Stop joking around, you almost got marked as late, dude"

"Yeah, yeah, sorry, Atleast I wasn't late" Denmark rolls his eyes at his brothers.

"Where were you anyways?" His brothers question him about his whereabouts. Denmark stayed silent for a short while before he answered.

"Nothing, I just saw something cool"

Then he acted as if nothing happened. He acted normal again. It's as if he's hiding something....

Finland wanted to ask him more about it but the professor started his lecture. Right after class, Denmark went for the door but he got stopped by his brothers. Denmark tried to play it cool and act dumb and immature like he always does but they know that something's up with him and they don't like it.


They demand.

"Talk about what? Oh! I saw a new app that I can play games with-"

"We're not playing games here, Mark"

"We said talk"

Denmark gulps hard.

Finland soon left to find Philip since he keeps a good eye on him to make sure that he's breathing.

"About Norway...."

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