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Soviet was just going to restock by taking more liquor but he noticed that the door to Bela's room was open. Normally he wouldn't give a damn but he was bored so he came inside the room. He notices that there were a lot of pictures of boys, boys holding hands and being intimate to be exact. But one of them caught his attention, it's Russia and Philip. It made him gag. He took a closer look since something felt off..... He noticed that Russia's smile was different.... It was filled with pure happiness. A genuine smile. He never saw Russia smile like this. "What the f*ck....?" Soviet immediately took out his phone to call someone. "следи за Белой и Россией" (keep an eye on Bela and Russia) he ordered.

Days passed and Soviet has been keeping a close eye on the three of them. Philip, Bela and Russia. Reports have been sent to him and it makes him strongly believe that he's right about what he's thinking.....

Soviet gulps down the remaining liquor in the bottle. He called his son Russia, to the mansion today. He wants to make something clear.

"Why did you call, father"

Soviet immediately punches him in the face. Russia glares at his father, confused and pissed off. "What the f*CK?!" Russia shouts. "Russia, until when are you going to play around with him?! This has been going on for too long!" "I told you to not catch any feelings on that little twink!" Russia gets punched in the face. "You're a man! You shouldn't be with another man!" "You've announced this bullsh*t to the public an it's been months! Aren't you bored of him yet!? Come on! There's a lot of women on this earth and yet you still choose to be with that little twink!"

"I didn't catch any feelings-"

Soviet raised his hand in the air to shut him up.

"I'd you didn't, why don't you break up with him!?"

"I will-"

"I do don't want to hear any more of your excuses"

"Go and call him right now, tell him that you want to end your relationship with him"

"Or go to him right now and tell him physically!"

Russia stays quiet, not saying anything to his father. "If you don't, I'll get rid of him right now" before Soviet had the chance to turn his phone on, his phone was taken fr his hands then brutally thrown across the room. "НЕТ!"

"Did you just say no?"

Russia gets punched in the face again. Soviet punches Russia in the stomach then he kicks him to make him fall on the floor. Soviet then goes to pick us phone up. Russia quickly latched onto his foot. "что за хрень?" (What the f*ck?!) Russia then pulls his foot to make him fall on the floor as well. They both raced to the phone. Fortunately, Russia got to the phone first. He immediately crushed it into pieces. "я не позволю тебе причинить ему боль" (i won't let you hurt him) Soviet's pissed of and irritated, murderous face suddenly turned into a wide grin. Soviet starts to laugh.

"I've caught you, Russia"

"я думал, ты сказал, что не любишь его? этого достаточно, чтобы показать, что вы его любите." (i thought you said that you don't love him? this is enough proof to show that you do love him.)

"ты знаешь, я ненавижу лжецов, а ты просто солгал мне" (you know i hate liars, and you just lied to me)

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