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Vaggie's POV:

I was walking towards Y/N's room to check on her. But when I looked inside, she wasn't there. I was about to leave when something caught my eye.

At the corner of the bed was a sheet of paper. I figured it was a just a silly drawing that she must have made and forgot to put away. So I walked over and picked it up.

My original intentions where to put them in one of her drawers, until I saw it was a note.

I read it over, and over... and over...

Panic over came me. I couldn't be reading this… I couldn't have been… What kind of sick fucking prank was this!?

I was fixing to run out of the door. I have to tell Charlie! She has to know! I started making my way to the door.

But then I saw someone, someone small. I couldn't tell who it was cause of the light casting a shadow over their front.

I must have so caught up in thinking about Charlie's safety that I must have not heard them.

I was so focused on seeing their face and what they looked like… I must have not seen the knife in their hand.

Husk's POV:

Where the fuck was that bitch!? Vaggie said she would go check on Y/N and come back to help. That little bitch must've lied just to get away from doing work. Doesn't sound like her but I doubt she would take this long. I sighed and reached over for the bear on the counter.

I was about to take a sip when I saw Charlie come near me. "Hey husk, have you seen Vaggie? I need her help finding where she put the lock to the hotel."

I looked her up and down, she seemed so tense today. More worries than her happy self. I guess she does have to pick up the place if we leave. But if demons were going to rob us then they would go through the windows.

"She went to go check on the kid- what the fuck is up with you today? You seem worried and tense, it's fucking weird…" I said. "If you are worried about something then some bad shit is about to happen."

"Sorry, I just have a bad feeling in my gut… I feel like it has something to do with Vaggie…" Charlie looked down at the counter. She looked like she was thinking about Vaggie and what could happen to her if something bad is really happening.

"Look, She is going to be fine, Charlie." I said. Charlie have me a hopeful look that annoyed me to death. Then she finally said something in a hopeful tone; "yeah, she's fine…"

Vaggie's POV:

I finally saw the knife in their hand.  And then they must have pressed a button to make the knife longer. What kind of technology..?

I was so concentrated on the knife-... Sword, I didn't realize that they were running towards me.


I finally snapped out if it and stepped back, I put the back of my wrist out of instinct to protect my face. I felt the blade go up and make a thin cut on my arm. There was still blood, but not instantly, it was a small cut.

Then all of a sudden they where one the edge Y/N's bed. I growled to myself for getting distracted.


I pulled out my spear just in time while they came at me with another blow. I sent them back. If I was a half a second slower then I would have gotten another cut.

Then to my horror… I finally saw their face. I was near the door now, they where on the other side of the room. The light hit them perfectly.

No… I didn't want to believe it… I couldn't believe it…

I was so caught up in my shock I dropped my spear. Seeing who it was nearly made me sick.

I turned to go out the door. I had to at least tell the others! But as soon as I turned around the door slammed in my face.

Who did that!? It wasn't me! I didn't even have my had on the door! Don't tell me that she can actually do this!

I took a step back and turned around again.

I only barley saw the face of the demon who next nearly killed me with a sword…

My attackers face…

Y/N's face

A/N: sorry I haven't been posting much lately...

Angel With The Radio. ✓~•book 1•~✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt