Hello sweetie!

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{So I never told you this, and I apologized, but there was a demon that was rehabilitated!
Let's just say they've been dateing for 2 months and everyone has been too stupid to see! K? K, good! }

~Angels POV~

I was walking down the stairs when I heard Alastor. "Oh Angel dear~" he called. "Yeah babe?" I asked.

"Well, darling, I was wondering if you would like to go on a stroll?" Alastor asked. I thought for a minute before I said, "eh, sure, I got nothin' Better to do!"

I have all I kiss on the cheek and we heard a squeal behind us. It was Charlie and Nifty who had Veggie looking like her soul just left her body, and a Husk who looked like he was regretting waking up.

"What!? We've been together for about 2 months!" I yelled. And that was it, Charlie and Nifty ran, hopped, skipped, jumped, anything' else, away.

Alastors smile grew a little in amusement and he held out his arm. We locked out arms together and walked out the door. There were some demons that looked at us oddly as we walked through hell but we ignored them.

I got bored and curious so I asked "soooo~ where are we goin''?" "Oh, just a little stroll! Can't I spend time with my favorite demon?" Alastor replied.

I chucked and gave him a hug. He froze and stopped. "Angel! Not here please!" Alastor said.

I remembered that we were in public and I was hugging the RadioDemon. I smiled and let go, "so you're worried about your reputation?" I asked. Alastor just stayed silent and kept walking.

We were walking for about 30 minutes before Alastor stopped. I was confused. "Angel… the other day when you were out of the room I was thinking about the hotel and how it's supposed to rehabilitate sinners!" Alastor said. I looked at Alastor curiosly and was confused as fuck.

"Well, when that one demon was rehabilitated it made me remember that you can be rehabilitated, but-... I can't-" "Hey! Hey! It's okay! I ain't leavin you any time soon baby! Okay? Now stop thinking of the future and think of what we got now babe!" I interrupted him. Alastor's smile became more genuine and he chucked to himself. "Okay Angel dear, now! Shall we go back?"

I smiled and nodded. "Now Before we go, do you wanna go get somethin' ta eat?" I asked. "We have plenty of food at the hotel Angel." Alastor replied.

I sighed and kept walking back to the hotel when I heard something in an Ally. I turned my head but Alastor seemed to have not noticed a thing. I stepped to the Ally and Alastor stopped to look at me.

"D-do you hear that?" I asked. "No darling, what is it?" Alastor cocked his head to the side showing a bit of confusion.

Then I heard it again, it sounded like a… a…
A Baby!? A crying baby!?

I turned my head from Al and ran in the Ally. "Darling, what are you doing!?" Alastor called me. I didn't answer him and just ran to the cries that sounded like they were getting louder.

I looked behind a dumpster to see a little fox demon child. She looked like she was about 4 years old and had orange hair, two orange tails with black at the end, light pink skin, and one eye that had the same color as Vaggie's eyes. All she had was a Brown dress that had tears in it and she looked dirty. It was obvious she was homeless.

She scooted closer to the wall of the building behind her when she heard Alastors voice.

"Darling you can't just go running off like that!" Alastor said. The little girl looked frightened. Then again he's my boyfriend the Radio Demon for crying out loud! "Oh nothing, I just found this little cutie!" I replied.

I got down to her eye level and asked, "hey, what's your name sweetie?" The girl only scooted closer to the wall and handed me a paper. It read;


If you are reading this I would like for you to please take care of my little daring! For I can't take care of her and have pissed off some demons…
I had to leave my darling here to get away from the nasty demons
She doesn't know what a sin is and you are probably wondering why she is down here
When she was alive she killed her father so I killed someone else so I didn't have to be separated from my little girl!
But if you are reading this I'm probably already gone… I must keep this short but I do have one more request before my soul is erased from existence!

If you're still reading I thank you ,and please! Please take care of my baby girl

From, the mother of Y/N

Haha! I guess you didn't see that one coming, huh? Aaaaaaaaaaannnddd I'm sorry this is short!
Well! I must leave you hanging and dangling off this cliff, but I do promise I'll have a picture of what the doc girl (you) looks like!
Author- out!

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