Another One...? | Scorpio (M) x Virgo (F)

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Hey hey heyy! This was requested by Vintageista (sorry for the late request ^^")

Also happy Memorial Day!

⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️

This is an angst . You have been warned :P

(It starts off with Scorpio being 11 and Virgo being 10)


Virgo's POV

I put flowers next to him. His eyes shined in the rain. I smiled as blood ran down my face.

I had ran to grab the three little daisies and tripped running up the hill. But it was all worth it. It's all for him. I wanted to make sure he was ok.

I saw him looking at the invisible horizon, his eyes showing no hope. There was no family, no friends, nobody near him. He was alone. It was... a sight no one should ever have to witness.

Flowers always brought joy in my life. The intricate delicacy of the petals always fascinated me. Even the animals loved them. My mind began to cloud with determination as I sought out for the prettiest daisies in the world.

I found myself running up the hill, smiling through the pain in my cheek. I didn't mind it because I was too excited to see joy come back to his eyes. Hope. Light. Something. I held out the daisies towards him.

"Here! I found them for you!" I said smiling at him. He looked at me shocked, and then looked down at the flowers. He turned away and continued to look into the distance.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.


"Are you allergic?" 


"Is it not your favorite color?"


"It's ok! I'll find your favorite color. I think its purple!" I said, determination rising in me once again. I put the daisies next to him and then ran back down the hill and searched for purple flowers until my parents said it was time to go.

The next day, I ran back over hoping to see him again. When I saw him there, I squealed in joy.

"Here! I found purple!" I said. He looked at me again but never took them.

I set them down right next to the daisies but this time there was 2. I looked back at him and saw him twirling it around in his hand, trying to hide it. I smiled even harder this time.


"Scorpio give it back!" I yelled at him. It's been 6 years since the day we met and he is totally the opposite of what I thought.

"Hmm, I don't like your manners. Say please," he smirked. I walked away pretending to be irritated. He was silent and I wondered if I maybe went to far, but it wasn't until soon after I heard him trailing behind me.

"Virgo...-"  I snatched my hat from his hands and ran away giggling.

"Oh really?" He said, his confidence coming back to him. He started running after me. He was getting too close and I tried to run faster but was tackled to the ground. We busted out into a fit of laughter. This felt so weird. But in a... right sorta way. Like it was meant to be.


I gasped in surprise as I stared into his eyes, my vision getting blurry.

"Yes!" I said throwing myself at him. He hugged me back letting out a sigh of relief and I couldn't help but laugh. He put the ring on me and I went to my parents who were recording and gave them a huge hug. My father looked at Scorpio and smiled taking him into his embrace. I know how emotional this was for him, seeing how Scorpio never really had that father figure in his life. My father also teared up a bit, knowing I was beginning a new chapter in my life


 "Babyyy,"  I said with a huge grin. Scorpio groaned and flipped over trying to sleep a little longer.

"Babyyyyyy," I tried again.

"Let me celebrate your birthdayyyy," I whined.

"I said you didn't have to," he said in his morning voice that I obsessed over.

"But I did anyways. Theres food downstairs," I beamed. His eyes slowly opened up, knowing that how much he loved food. He grumbled but got out of the bed and I trailed after him.


I sat on our bed, hugging my knees. I blankly stared outside watching the leaves fly from the breezy night. The door slowly opened and lit up the tear streaks on my face. I didn't move and continued to face the opposite direction. I felt a dip in the bed next to me. The silence was killing me. I kept waiting for him to say anything but we were both stubborn. I'm surprised he even came in. I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my face looking for whatever. I was tempted to look over but my pride wouldn't let me.

He sighed and gently moved my face to look at him. I shot him a look but he just lightly smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I couldn't resist anymore and completed the space left as our lips connected. My hands snaked up to his neck and wrapped themselves around as his soft kisses started going down to my neck. Breathing started to get heavy but neither of us stopped. The moonlight hid behind the clouds honoring us our privacy.


I cried uncontrollably into Scorpio's chest while sitting in front of my fathers coffin. He was everything to me and although we didn't always get along he was always there. For him to be gone so soon is heartbreaking and I couldn't handle it. The speeches that echoed throughout the walls of the church were quiet over the darkness weighing down on me. But just like always there was a light at the end of to tunnel who helped me through everything. Scorpio was super gentle to me for the past couple months and I eventually got back on my feet.


"Is this a present?" I smiled knowingly.

"Just shut up and open it," he rolled his eyes with a small smile dancing on his lips. I opened it and saw a picture of a puppy and information for adoption.

"Wait-" I said, eyes widening.

"You always talked about wanting to get a dog but you never followed out your plan so... yeah" He said rubbing the back of his neck. I screamed in excitement and jumped up in down in joy. Scorpio chuckled and I hugged him incredibly tight.

"Jesus Virgo, I can't breathe."


"Ma'am you need to leave..." A hand was placed on my shoulder. My arms were folded loosely on Scorpios chest, my eyes dull and numb with no light left. My heart was pierced each time I wouldn't feel a beat. His heart went into an eternal sleep that I could never wake him up for. There was no cure. Nothing. I felt.. nothing. I didn't want stay but I didn't want to leave. There was too many memories for him to just leave me like that. My eyes sore from crying and my voice hurt from screaming.

Reality could be intensely cruel and not have the slightest bit of remorse


I put flowers next to him. His gravestone shined in the rain. I frowned as tears ran down my face

"I got you purple flowers."


"I-I love you..."



Heres tissues XD

Hoped you liked it and have a good rest of your day :)

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