Purple Eyes

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Hannah's scream was like a pushing force through the tight opening. The room feels way to huge from down here that makes the waterfall look intriguing to swim in. My sleek body wiggles along; transforming gives my neck a cramp but it subsides when taking a long inhale in, and then out. Making my whole body relax; I touch the waterfall wall, making the water go through my skin. The water is warm but there is no steam to it. The water glows blue for a few seconds that sends chills throughout my body. A clicking noise of glass sends my hand back; shaking the wet off. A test tub floats on the surface on the corner of the loose stream. It also glows for a slight second in a blue tone, like light waves passing it. I grab it carefully and fill the fountain water into it.   I had no idea what I was doing but this just felt right to do. My legs spread out turning around, there he was his dark shadow.

"I knew I'd find you here" Drake voice is mocking.   "You've Lost Drake, go away before you make more a fool of yourself" My lips move as I put a cork to seal the tub.  "Oh that would be the least of my problems" He pauses "You see; If I cant have you, no one can"  What is he talking about? "So your plan is to get me jealous?"  "Why on earth would" He pauses again giving me an expression that makes me feel like he had no idea what I was talking about. His evil plan. Sired. Trapped. "What have they really told you Fiona?"   I didn't answer him. "They have lied to you" His voice seemed unchanging, he steps into the light giving me a good view of his dark brown hair.  "How so?" He turns his head away but remains in the light facing my way. "You listen now" he pauses  "When you get back, ask them what to do with that bottle, if they tell you not to worry about it, know to be" He pauses. "Don't have anything the offer you, understand that!"

"I am not sired anymore Drake"  Why would I not drink it if it would stop him? "What am I spouse to do then if that happens?" My voice sounding curious.

"Tell them an excuse; your good at that" I cut him off. "Stop it, They wouldn't do anything like that!" 

"Do whatever pleases you but don't say I didn't warned you!" He turns his back to me walking away.  "Understand this, You will never have me; not now and  not in a million years!" His laughter echo's. "You don't understand" He doesn't finish what he says. A big thud noise echo's through the cave while my feet tries to find balance through the shaking ground. It only lasted a few seconds. "I only came here for your own sake" Drake say's out loud before disappearing into the darkness. That doesn't sound like Drakes nature at all. Could this all be in my head. His footsteps drift away making my body go into shakes. The thuds of my heart hits hard against my chest as the breathing becomes to much of an effort to get oxygen in. I feel the tub slip out of my hand. My hip embraces the ground in a hard hit but a hand catches my upper body and then catchers the tub bottle. "Peter" My voice is in a whisper. His purple eyes look down on me before everything turns black.

Its feels like a few seconds before feeling warmth; a firm hold beneath my body. The scent filled my nostrils with cinnamon and vanilla that tells me Peter is near; some bodies hand caress my forehead; there touch is cool as my body feels toasty under heavy covers on my body. I hear Sabrina and Williams whispering; discussing something that I cant fully point out until I open my eyes. Sabrina holds the tub in her hands with a worried emotion on her face; Williams was more of tense emotion; like anger. Maybe it was something that had happened or is happening. Maybe I'd done something wrong? Or that Drake wasn't just in my head? I straighten my back as Peter helps me up out of the warm bed sheets. "You shouldn't get up so fast; You've been out for a long time" Hannah comes in with a cup of water putting it on the night stand next to me. "She's fine" Peter gives me a smile that seems comforting; he hands me the water as I accept it but I don't drink it just yet. "How long was I out for?" The water seems cold in my hands as I rest it on my knees. "Two days; You must be hungry here; I've made you this" Hannah places a tray in front of me. It was breakfast with the lot. Everything you have for breakfast in a week it was all plated up. All very colorful and dressed with pink eatable flowers on each corner of the tray. I thank her while putting the cup on water on to the tray and sliding it onto the bed. I start cutting into the three stacks of pancakes. I was actually really hungry but Drakes words comes across my mind like an alarm in me. "What are we going to do with that" I pause cutting the pancakes; pointing with my knife at the tub that Max is holding now as he starts walking out the room with William. "Oh; don't need to worry about it, We have it under control" Hannah waves her hand in the air towards Sabrina and them taking a sit on the right side of the bed next to me picking a strawberry on the tray. "Go on and eat before it get's cold" Sabrina gives me a small smile before walking out the door; closing it behind her. "I feel horrible but I am not that hungry" I lie setting off the tray to Peter onto my left. Hannah shrugs her shoulders pulling the tray to her and starts eating more of the strawberries. "More for me than" She giggles while saying it. "I guess your not the breakfast type" Peter says as he shows me his smile that never hides any suspicion. Hannah's phone goes off as she excuse's her self out of the room. "Lets go hunting" I feel my insides twist realizing I was asking Peter to spend one on one time together. "Yes we can do that but I'm pretty sure that if you don't have a bite of anything on that tray, Hannah will feel hurt" I shrug my shoulders without even thinking. " She seems fine to eat it all to her self and besides I feel for the hunt at the moment" My voice sounds like I wanted to make a run for it which was true. "Eat just something from it and then we can go" Why is he being so god dam pushy. "Fine" I pick one pink flower off the corner and shove it into my mouth that tasted like grass. "We can go now!" I spring out off bed with my legs easily pasting him. I get down the stairs sliding on the rails down my butt leading just right on my two feet that tingling with cooling warmth. I almost knock into Nancy as she walk past with a yoga mat in her right arm. I apologies in French as I catch the yoga mat as she drops and gave it back to her with as much grace as I could. Her emotions jumps of fear at first but finishes' with a giggle relief. Peter swifts behind following like turbo wind as he past's Nancy. Sending her into another jump and screaming French swear words.

The door handle felt heavy but once I broke it open. Literally in piece's shattering all over the floor. The door was locked and the door man Peter was no where to be seen. The cold wind hits my face like a brick but I push through as my skin gets moist. The heat I embrace, sinking down as the snow melt. I almost feel the gravel of the road on my bare feet. Peter grabs me hard enough to make me stop my tracks. "Fiona, stop!" His voice is deeper than it was a few minutes ago. "Why!" I turn around hard that it makes my right arm swing into his face. Sending a deep jolt of moan out from his mouth. "Something happened back in the caves" I pause. Peter wipes his mouth that displays fresh blood. I didn't want to mention about Drake or nor what he'd said. "There is something else happing" Peter spits out blood from his mouth not answering me. "They all know it; all of them inside" Peter's eye look up with betrayal. "And you know it too; don't you?" My body becomes stiff but the heat becomes more intense. "Lets just get inside before anyone" I cut him off" "God Dam it; Just tell me!" My voice come out very harsh than I've ever heard it out loud before. "You are dying Fiona" Drakes words plays in my head "If I cant have you then no one else can" Peter's hands turns into a fist. This still didn't make sense though. "So what happens if I intake this thing?" He doesn't answer which makes me feel annoyed. "I survive and then what!" Peter's eyes shift colors from purple to grey. "We don't know" He touches his forehead walking past me towards the snowy woods. "What do you mean you don't' know?" I follow him behind a few steps watching him smoothly transforming into wolf form. "We lost the book back in the caves" He howls lightly shaking his head making his grey and white fur loose with snowflakes resurfacing onto his paws. " We are just assuming everything right now, well they... look I wanted to tell you as soon as I found out but we weren't on talking terms" I cut him off feeling the growl at the back of my throat transforming    into a four legged creature. "Not on Talking terms, you were the one who went hard cold" There was a good reason for that and that I don't blame him; but  I had the right to know first from him, if he was ever to decide on what the heck this  Twin flame is about. He might not want it now and that's fine with me because I didn't want it either. "So do know how it works? Or was this is just a try out "   I pause watching Peters ears moves in different directions. "I would consume it and then what exactly ?"  The air smells like fire wood; the air isn't thick but there is a change I feel that with my hairs  standing up on edge. "We don't know, I guess will try anything until something happens  I guess" Peter says this shrugging his shoulders as if to say he didn't care if something bad will happen. What bad will come out of this? Dying is the worst out come; but the unknown is frightening. The worse thing is that I will loose my abilities and powers. Become normal.  A Human. That wasn't a bad thing at all. I like who I am now but I do miss my human self too.  "Okay; Let's consume it then" I say turning back; letting my short tail flick out as I turn. "No, wait" Peters body lowers to the ground; he sniffs and then looks around slightly. "Pete it's just a camp out fire pit" Some campers I was referring too; there not to close from us, down the long slope and past the river bank where trees seem to circle around there camping spot. "What is it Peter?" He never answers me. He whimpers slightly turning his ears inwards and trail ticking in between his back legs. "Just thought it was an old friend that's all; yeah let go" His purple eyes glazing towards me while everything in his body relaxes.

***Writers Board**

Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying the read! Please vote and comment away! It really helps me with my writing! I do dedications for people who have helped me through my writings, have encouraged me to keep at my stories through the years and have stuck through my writing progress. So thank you and I hope to see more who to do thank you!

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