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It's limp body stays still as Drake's sharp teeth deep in its flesh, blood decorates its brown and white spotted skin and its eyes are wide open as if it's still fearing and in shock. The Deer's beating heart slows; he brings it to my front paws and lets go of the grip as the Dear's heart beat goes silent.  "I am not" Drake cuts me off. "You'll need it trust me" His face expression does this thing that reminds me of my little brother when he knows I'm about to do something foolish.  "Excuse me" I tear off a piece of the dear's leg and sit behind a thick tall tree. I take a few licks of the fresh blood that taste sweet. Drake shakes his head making his grey fur move in different directions; he bites into the dear tearing a piece of its butt. His sides of his mouth shows a small smirk clearly knowing I don't feed in front of a crowd. The day get's darker as the sundown rolls down slowly. A wolf with hazel fur and green eyes bows our way. "Could I show your misses our land?" My body tenses up as she says 'his misses'. She isn't no match for our height and so if I bite in a rude remark; how better am I then Drake.  "I would love that" Her face lights up in surprise I follow  her down the rocky path where it leads to a riverbank.  "Answer for  me again I will punish you" Drake says through the bond in a dark whisper. "Being with you is punishment"  I growl awakens in my throat. "Mam?" I try to hold my laughter in with a couple of sniffles. "Don't call me that" Her ears fold back and then she bows her head slightly. "What do I call you then?" Her thin tail moves slightly. " Fiona, call me that, what's your name?" I take a sit onto the wet mud feeling the light raindrops lead onto my fur. "Nancy" She licks her right paw for a few seconds and then keeps on walking.  "His not all bad you know?"  I follow her through the woods as she talks about Drake saving her from being neglected by her abusive Father. " My brother Luca and I wouldn't have been alive and thriving now if it  wasn't for  Drakes help" Alright so Drake has done some heroic acts in his life but it doesn't mean his not a monster. "You'd better go..." She turns away before looking over to my left shoulder. The sired bond warms the layers of my skin. "I will show you more; some other time" Drakes voice sounds like venom. His dark hair makes his skin look smooth and his cheek bones are defined. I feel his warmth near but I keep watching the birds flying in the sky leading on to the trees to reunite with the rest of there families after a long day of traveling. Every step I take through the graveyard as I transform back to the car; Drakes eyes fill with awareness and his warmth becomes more gentle that feels new and unfamiliar to my wolf sense. He opens the passenger door for me; his green eyes take me aback slightly. "For my lady" His voice is in all seriousness and no smirk plays on his lips. Nancy walks by letting her fur tickle my bare knees signing goodbye in wolf language without making noises. The rain becomes more heavy on our way back to Campus.

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