Meet me at the Quarry ~ Eddie x Gender Neutral Reader

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p= your pronoun (he/him/his/she/her/hers/they/them/their/etc.)

reader gender: gender neutral
word count: 757
character: Eddie Kaspbrak (14)
summary: (Y/n) asks Eddie to the quarry and tells him how (p) feel about him.

Your POV:
All of the Losers had been hanging out, but now they all had to go home since it was getting late. Eddie started to walk off to his bike, but you grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Hey. Meet me at the quarry tomorrow," you said.

You looked down and noticed that you were still holding his arm. You blushed and let go.

"Why?" Eddie asked.

"Uh-um just because... I mean we're friends and I just wanna hang out with you tomorrow," you said awkwardly.

"Uh- okay. When?"

"2, I guess."

"Okay. See you then," Eddie said, getting in his bike.

"Okay. Bye, Eds!" You said, waving as he biked off.

"Don't call me that!"

~<• time skip to next day •>~

Eddie's POV
I was riding my bike to the quarry. (Y/n) was acting weird when (p) invited me to go to the quarry with (p). Maybe I was thinking about it too much, but I couldn't help but wonder why (p) actually invited me here.

I finally arrived at the quarry to see (Y/n) with one of (p) hands behind (p) back. I felt a little nervous since it would just be the two of us, but we hung out often, so I just pushed it away as always.

Your POV:
You saw Eddie stop his bike, put up the kick-stand, and then walk over to you. You smiled and waved. He did the same, both of you blushing a little. He was so damn cute all the time.

You were sweating a little and your stomach felt a little bizarre. You were nervous, but you really liked him and wanted to tell him or at least hint it.

Eddie stopped once he was closer to you. You pulled your arm out behind your back to reveal a flower you'd picked from your neighbor's yard. It was a pink chrysanthemum. You held it out to Eddie.

"For me?" Eddie asked. You nodded.


Eddie took it and smiled a little, blushing a little more. He was so cute, especially when he blushed and smiled. You smiled back, your face getting progressively redder. You spotted a small bug in Eddie's hair.

"You have a bug in your hair," you said.

"What?! Where?!" Eddie started to panic.

"Here. Stay still. I'll get it," you replied, stepping closer, grabbing the bug, and flicking it away. Your hand was still touching the side of his head. You felt Eddie's face heat up with the little part of your hand that was touching his face.

You looked into each other's eyes. You always loved Eddie's eyes. His big, brown eyes. You raised your eyebrows slightly, questioning if you could kiss him. He nodded ever so slightly and you pulled your hand forward a little to cup his cheek before leaning in and kissing him briefly.

You pulled away, looking back into his eyes. A few seconds later, you looked down and smiled a little, as did he. You both blushed even harder, your faces bright shades of red.

"I, um..." You started. "I... I really like you, Eds. A lot..."

"I like you, too, (Y/n)," Eddie responded. "A lot..." He murmured the last part quietly.

"D-do you wanna... um... You wanna be my boyfriend?" You asked, awkwardly.

"Y-yeah," Eddie said with a nod.

You looked into his eyes. His gaze was downward in embarrassment, but soon, it drifted up to your eyes. You slowly leaned in and kissed him again. When you pulled away, you dropped your hand.

"S-so, um, what do you wanna do today?" You asked.

"I don't know," Eddie responded.

"We could go get ice cream?" You suggested.

"Sure, sounds good to me," Eddie agreed.

You and Eddie rode your bikes to the ice cream place and each got ice cream. You walked out of the place and went to the park (the one with the lumberjack) that was nearby and ate your ice cream, talking about all kinds of stuff.

Once it started to get a bit late, Eddie looked at his watch.

"I gotta go. My mom'll kill me if I'm late again," Eddie said, standing up from the bench you two had been sitting on.

"Okay, Eds," you said, smiling and standing up.

"Don't call me that," Eddie said with a sigh as he grabbed his bike.

"Okay, Eds," you replied. He rolled his eyes, secretly enjoying it. "This was a great date."

"Y-yeah it was," Eddie said. "See you tomorrow at school."

"See ya!"

el end.

sorry i haven't updated in a while. i've had serious writer's block. PLEASE REQUEST PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

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