You Make me Feel Safer ~ Richie Tozier x Gender Neutral Reader

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TW: mention of child abuse

reader gender: gender neutral
word count: 523
character: Richie Tozier (16)
summary: (Y/n) gets in a fight with his dad and goes to Richie for comfort because Richie makes him feel safe.

You clutched your bruised abdomen as your father walked out the door. He slammed it, making you flinch. You wiped tears from your cheeks as you made your way to the phone.

You dialed your boyfriend's number. After a moment, he answered.

"Tozier," Richie greeted.

"R-Richie?" You asked.

"Oh. Hey, (Y/n). What's up?" Richie asked.

"Can I come over?" You asked, attempting to conceal the shakiness in your voice.

"You okay, babe?" Richie asked.

"C-Can I just come over? You asked.

"Yeah, come on over. My parents aren't here," Richie replied.

"Thanks," you said, hanging up. You rushed to the bathroom to dab on some makeup over your bruised face. You didn't want Richie to worry too much. You headed over to Richie's house.

You knocked on his door and a few moments later, it opened and you were met with the curly-haired boy you loved so much. He looked concerned.

"Hey, babe. Come on in," Richie said, opening the door for you to enter.

You walked through the door and Richie closed it.

"So, why did you wanna come? Did you just crave seeing this gorgeous bod?" Richie asked, motioning to his body.

You smiled just a tiny bit.

"Uhm... Can we just cuddle?" You asked.

"Fuck yeah. Come on," Richie said, walking to his room.

You followed him into his room. You looked around at the posters on his walls and clothes scattered across his floor. You didn't mind it at all.

"So, you wanna lay on me?" Richie asked, approaching his bed. You nodded.

Richie peeled back the blanket on his bed and laid down on it, motioning for you to come over to him. You obliged, taking off your shoes and then laid on top of Richie, chest to chest. Richie covered you both up with the blanket. You let out a sigh.

"Are you okay? You seem sad," Richie said.

"I-I'm fine..." You said.

"You sure?" Richie asked.

You didn't reply.

"What is it, babe?" Richie asked you.

"I... Uhm... My... My dad..." You started, knowing you needn't continue.

"I'm sorry, babe," Richie said, stroking your head gently.

"I-I don't wanna talk about it. It was really bad, Rich," You said, hugging yourself closer to Richie, a tear threatening to spill from your left eye.

"Okay, babe. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But, if I can do something, let me know, okay?" Richie said, starting to play with your hair in a comforting way. (if you don't have hair, massaging your scalp gently)

"Just hold me, please," you said, the tear falling from your eye. You wiped it.

"Of course," Richie replied.

"It's hard for me to feel safe with my life, but you always make me feel safer, Chee," you said. Richie was quiet for a moment. This was legendary.

"I'm glad you have that, babe. I love you and you deserve to feel safe," Richie replied.

"I love you, too, Chee," you said.

Richie kissed the top of your head and after a while of cuddling, you both eventually drifted off into sleep.

el end.

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