Sudden Danger

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Infinite was in the Multiversal Heroes HQ on Planet Blade, filling in some paperwork. The jackal sighed and wiped some sweat from his forehead.

Infinite: Ugh... This shit is so boring to deal with... 

Crystal walked into his office and put a bowl of cookies on the table.

Crystal: Here you go, sweetie. 

Infinite: Thanks, Crystal. I need something to eat, all this paperwork is just stressing me the hell out...

Crystal: Aww... Well... Why not take a break? You're not looking too good, honey...

Infinite: Yeah, I probably will do... My eyes are feeling sore and my hand is aching.

Crystal hopped over the table and hugged Infinite, the jackal smiled and hugged her back as his tail wagged.

Crystal: Hehe, you're so cute when your tail wags, sweetie.

Infinite: C-Crystal... *Blushes*

Crystal: It's true. :3

Infinite: ^^

Crystal: Come on, let's head home for now. I'm sure Comet would love to see his father.

Infinite nodded and put his pen down as he and Crystal teleported back to their home. 

Luna: Oh! Hey, mom! Hey, dad!

Infinite: Hi, Luna. How's Comet been?

Luna: He's been doing great. He was mostly occupied with his toys and now he's asleep.

Crystal: Ah, alrighty then.

Luna: Dad... You okay?

Infinite: No, not really... Just tired. We've been dealing with a lot of stuff lately.

Luna: Yeah, true... And Snow... Something is wrong with her.

Crystal: Huh? 

Luna: ...She's been aggressive recently, and... She just got expelled from her school.

Infinite: Oh... Why?

Luna: Remember how I told you that someone was harassing her at school? Well, she broke my promise and used her powers on that person, so yeah... I think that other child is gonna need a lot of therapy...

Crystal: Yikes...

Infinite: That's unfortunate... Are you gonna transfer her to another school?

Luna: I'm... Probably not going to... I don't want anything like that to happen again.

Infinite: Understandable.

Luna: I'll probably have Snow homeschooled. 

Crystal: Okay then, Luna. 

Luna smiled as Infinite laid down on the couch and closed his eyes.

Infinite: Phew... I need to have a nap.

Crystal: Alright, Infinite. Sleep well~

Infinite fell asleep and Crystal and Luna went into the kitchen to make dinner. Somewhere else on a faraway planet, a large base guarded by extraterrestrial beings was being attacked by a large group of hyenas, and the canines were easily wiping the aliens out.

Alien 1: W-we can't let our planet fall...! If they break in, they're gonna kill our king!

Alien 2: Oh, it's no use...! Their forces are too powerful and their weapons outmatch ours!

Hyena 1: Just give it up and surrender, you six eyed freaks!

Hyena 2: Surrender now and maybe your group will be spared!

Fight For Survivalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें