The Queen of the Blood Sea

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Luna opened her eyes and got up from the pile of debris she was buried in, the wolfal held her head and winced in pain.

Luna: Ow.. What happened?

An unbearable ringing noise filled the air and Luna clutched her ears, yelping in pain.

Luna: OH, GOD! What is that...?!

Bermuda: Lads, it be time fer us to show these pests the true might o' the planet ravagers!

Infinite: Ngh... 

Laura: Sis?! Where are you?

Luna: R-right here... Ow...

Laura: You good?

Luna: I'll be fine, what's going on out there?

Bermuda stabbed herself with the Darkwater Cutlass and a huge ghostly apparition of herself surrounded her metallic body.

I. Jen: WHOA!


Soul Bermuda: Jolly luck 'urtin' a ghost, ye pests!

Luigi: *Has his Poltergust 5000 ready*

Infinite: Luigi, where did-

Soul Bermuda laughed at the green plumber and flattened him with her sword.

Luigi: Ow-

Laura: Damn it! We gotta save Comet from this pirate!

Splendid: How do we hurt a ghost, though?

I. Jen: Turco knows, but he's still fighting the Stonian!

Crystal: Shit, that's an issue...

Laura: ...Wait... Dad told me how... I just gotta remember...!

Infinite: Alright, but please be quick!

Laura: ...I got it! *Teleports in front of Soul Bermuda*

Soul Bermuda: Begone, ye weak peasant!

Laura: No, u.

Laura then flashes blindly for a second, stunning Soul Bermuda and exposing a small orb in her core.

Soul Bermuda: URGH! What been that there?!

Laura: *Punches the orb, harming Soul Bermuda and launching her*

Soul Bermuda: OOF! Arrgggh, damn to the depths ye! I will skewer ye like a fish!

Many slain space pirates started to float and surround the orb, covering it in a thick sheet of metal.

Laura: That's how! You gotta expose the orb within her! That's the weak spot in a ghost!

Infinite: Alright, then. Let's go!

???: Am I late to the party?

Solarius: Huh?

Smesh: Hmm?

It's Turco, covered everywhere in injuries but still completely fine.


Infinite: Bro! You alright?

Soul Bermuda: Ah, starrr god! So glad ye could join the party!

Turco: I'll shrug off the pain! In fact, I've learned something new!

Turco then glows for a second, suddenly healing every one of his injuries instantly.

Luna: Whoa...

Xeggy: Nice trick, Turco.

Turco: And don't worry about Molten! I made him retreat! ...For now.

Infinite: Good. Now...

Fight For Survivalजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें