War Against Darkness

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It was time.

The Multiversal Heroes and their allies stood in place as Shadownova summoned his gigantic spacecraft, the Midnight World Eater.

Shadownova: This will be big enough to carry all of us. It shall also be able to store any other vehicles you want to bring into battle. The time is now, everyone. This monstrosity dies today.

Luna: One thing, though...

Shadownova: Speak your mind.

Luna: What are we going to do about your son when this ends?

Shadownova: I will deal with him personally. I did not expect my son to do such brash actions, but I am not angry. Just very disappointed.

Clark: Hmm. He's gonna get what's coming to em anyway.

Infinite: Let's get on, everyone!

The massive army got into the Midnight World Eater, it's doors closed and it began to levitate.

Xeggy: Infinite.

Infinite: Hmm? Yes?

Wario-Man: We want something else when this is over.

Infinite: ...I know, it's only right to give you whatever you want for your services.

Xeggy: We both want immortality. 

Infinite: ...

Xeggy: We also want to have our criminal organization benefit from this entire thing. 

Laura: ...Think about what they're saying here, Infinite.

Sky: While their help has been very appreciated, I think it's dangerous to give them immortality.

Xeggy: Look. I know ya don't trust us, but me and Wario-Man here are not scumbags that betray and kill innocent people. 

Infinite: Like I said, it's only fair we give them what they want. Alright. I'll discuss with GodJackal about your immortality. I will also give you a hefty amount of cash to help you.

Wario-Man: Heh, thank you.

Xeggy: In return, our organization will not cause any trouble... For a long while. 

Smesh: Better keep out of trouble.

The spacecraft left the atmosphere and warped across space, eventually arriving just outside of Vulanis.

Infinite: Whoa...

Xeggy: ...We're not even on the planet yet and I can already tell by the color of it it's just dark and depressing.

Jacqueline: You can say that again.

Machito: Sheesh...

Shadownova: Kristina! Ready the shields.

Kristina: On it.

Laura: Pilots! Get in your ships and be ready to battle!

Kristina pressed a couple of buttons, then a shield appeared around the gigantic spacecraft. Jackals, Star Children, Kitsunes and other races got into their ships and prepared to fly out and fight.

Crystal: *Summons the Sword of Azure* Gonna need both weapons for this.

Infinite: ...

On Vulanis, the sirens began to wail as hyenas ran around screaming. Malice watched from the top of his fortress and smiled evilly.

Malice: They're here. Everyone! You will defend this planet with your lives. I trust that you will bring down that giant spacecraft and kill everyone inside. 

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