A New Era

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Radar: Move it along. No use in continuing to fight.

A large group of hyenas still loyal to Malice walked in a straight line towards a large spacecraft. Behind the group Infinite looked around at the now reformed Vulanis and smiled.

Infinite: Heh... We did a really good thing today.

Turco: Mmhmm. Now the hyenas don't have to suffer under such a horrible tyrant.

Infinite: People literally had to resort to cannibalism here... That's dark as hell.

Turco: And I thought Dark Star was bad.

Infinite: Heh. Well, that's another scumbag ticked off the list.

Turco: Bro, are you alright, by the way? Are you able to keep control of his soul?

Infinite: I'm fine. He has no power.

Turco: If ya say so. So... What did you want us over at Vulanis for?

Infinite: Ah, well... The Jackal Race and a few other canine races have wanted to do something for a very long time, but because of the Vulanis Empire taking control of the Hyenas, this wasn't possible... Until today.

Turco: Hmm?

Infinite: We've wanted to combine our races and join together to form a huge alliance that will defend our world from future threats like Malice or Dark Star.

Turco: Ooh, sounds nice.

Infinite: Yep. Jackals, Wolves, Foxes, Kitsunes, Coyotes, you name it. Quite a lot of races are in this.

Turco: I think it'll be successful.

Infinite: Mmhmm. It'll be starting soon. Deathwind, Sky, and Crystal's parents are hosting the event.

Turco: Alright. 

Later on, the leaders of the canine races all arrived on Vulanis. Many canines stood together cheering as Deathwind walked up and grabbed a microphone.

Deathwind: Greetings, everyone! Please, settle down.

Sky: Today, we have finally achieved our lifelong dream... We can finally unite our races as one powerful alliance! 

Deathwind: This has been envisioned and has been a hypothetical scenario for years, but today, it becomes reality. Today... I present to you...

A large flag went up, as fireworks began to launch and explode in the sky.

Deathwind: Our new alliance, the United Galactic Canine Alliance! 

The massive crowd roared, cheered and chanted for the future.

Raiden: Together... Our races will defend our home from any future threats such as Malice! No one will stand a chance!

Phantom: But wait, I have a question...

Sky: Hmm? Ask away.

Phantom: ...Who will be leading the Hyenas now?

Deathwind: Ah, a good question! The new leaders... Will be Lily, the leader of the resistance during the empire's rule, and none other than... Fang, one of Malice's former bodyguards.

Laura: Wait, what?

Cristina: Eh?

Fang and Lily walked up on stage, the four armed hyena stared at the crowd and sighed deeply.

Fang: ...This may look confusing to all of you. I agree... But I want to help our race. Malice was but a traitor and a liar. He killed Dargovrah, and was part of something much bigger that I had no part of. It is clear that there is something else going on behind the scenes... I don't want this world to fall into darkness. I want to make it right. I will correct my mistakes and fix what I did under Malice's rule as the emperor.

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