Planetary Confrontation

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While the heroes were preparing to get ready to travel to Inamia, Luna was outside looking at the sky alone, she sighed and closed her eyes. Crystal noticed her and walked outside.

Crystal: Hi, Luna... Is something wrong?

Luna: H-huh? Oh, hey mom... Yeah, I'm just... Worried.

Crystal: Aww, how come?

Luna: ...What if Malice really does win in the end? It's something that's been bugging me for a while now... 

Crystal: He won't win, Luna. We'll end his bloodthirsty rampage.

Luna: ...It's not just that, mom...

Crystal: Huh?

Luna: ...You've noticed it, right?

Crystal: ...

Luna: ...Normally in bad situations, dad likes to crack jokes to lighten the mood and lift everyone's spirits, but... That's not happened. Not to mention... Last night, I think I heard dad... Crying in his office.

Crystal: I... I see...

Luna: ...I think the zombie outbreak and the threat of the Jackals going extinct is putting a huge toll on him... I'm scared that he's gonna break...

Crystal: ...

Luna: ...

Crystal: ...We'll keep an eye on him, my superstar.

Luna: Okay, mom... Alright, enough of my worrying, let's get ready. The Kitsunes won't save themselves.

???: Hello, there!

Crystal: Huh?

Luna: Hmm?

A light-blue jackal covered in armor made of diamond walked towards them.

Xorus: I am Xorus. King Deathwind sent me here to aid you with your quest to liberate Inamia and defeat Malice once and for all.

Crystal: Oh! Come into the HQ, Infinite will wanna see ya!

Xorus: Will do. 

In the HQ, Xeggy walked past Turco as the Star God suddenly grabbed her.

Xeggy: H-hey!

Turco: Try anything funny, and it's your head on a stick. You're lucky that Infinite is looking out for ya.

Xeggy: Get the hell off. Are you really going to be this petty? I have common sense, unlike you, mustachio. 

Turco: I don't trust you. None of us do. It's only a matter of time before you do something evil and stab us in the back.

Xeggy: Wow, you think of me that way? Dang. Do I look like Dark Starass or whoever it is who fucked your parents over? No, I ain't.

Turco: ...

Xeggy: Struck a nerve? Good. Hope I made ya cry. Asshole.

Xeggy slapped Turco's hand away and walked towards the group of heroes.

Wario-Man: Oh, hey!

Xeggy: Hello.

Infinite: Is everyone ready?


Smesh: o_o

Cristina: Mmhmm!

Splendid: Ready all the way!

Solarius: Yep!

Phantom: Let's go!

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