Space Pirate Armada

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Jacqueline rested on the couch as Lucas slowly ran his hand through her hair.

Lucas: How you feeling, Jackie?

Jacqueline: Sore... And upset...

Lucas: ...So am I... 

Infinite: ... *Sigh* Goddammit... This is a huge mess. 

Sky: ...Infinite, what are we going to do? We may of freed my planet, but the Vulanis Empire is still at large!

Infinite: ...We kill Malice's allies, one by one. And I think we should start with-

Crystal ran into the room, followed by Luna who looked pretty beat up.

Laura: Huh? Sis?

Shunou: What is with the sudden entrance? I sense much disturbance within you both...

Crystal: Infinite... Comet's gone...!

Infinite: ...Excuse me?

Crystal: I-I don't know where he is! One second he was there, the next, there was a bright light, some people came down and then suddenly scooped Comet up and knocked me out! Before they did, I heard a robotic laughter...

Sky: ...It's Bermuda. She took your son.

Infinite dragged his hand down the wall, leaving behind a claw mark.

Infinite: Let's go rescue my baby boy. 

Luna: Right, dad.

Aeris: Hey, we better be careful though. Who knows what Bermuda has in store for us.

Infinite: Whatever it is, we'll plow right through it and give that pirate bitch a taste of her own medicine. We'll kill her and then drop her body into the sea so it can never be recovered by her crew.

Meanwhile up in space, Bermuda laughed as she walked into the bridge of her ship, in a little cage was Comet, trying to get out but to no avail.

Comet: Grrr...

Bermuda: Ahoy, 'twill be fine, wee one! Ye're a fine loot, 'n wit' yer amazin' power, the Planet Ravagers could grow 'n we could even conquer galaxies!

Space Pirate: No disrespect cap'n, but ain't stealin' the Hero o' the Multiverse's son a bit too risky? Our crew may be in utter danger now!

Bermuda: Ah, it'll be fine. Trust me, I may be an ole robot, but this hunk o' metal doesn't go down easily. Thanks t' the Darkwater Cutlass, it gives me many powers 'n shows that we be the best pirates the Multiverse has ever seen! Naught has taken down our armada, 'n naught ever will!

The huge fleet of ships made a turn and sped through the galaxy at the speed of light, eventually arriving at the Planet Ravagers' main base, a massive dead body floating through the dark coldness of outer space.

Bermuda: This once used t' be a god, but it's theorized this unfortunate scallywag was scuttled long ago by another malicious entity like our dear Malice. *Picks up the cage*

Comet: *Growling* >:(

Bermuda: Don't try 'n break out o' that gibbet, wee one. It's futile.

The space pirates entered the base and took Comet to their treasure room. Meanwhile on the other side of the galaxy, Infinite and the others hopped on a spaceship and buckled up.

Infinite: So, uhhh... Disclaimer everyone? I don't have a lot of experience with these things, so if I accidentally crash into an asteroid field or something, take it easy on me.

Luna: I think you should leave controlling the spaceship to me, dad. ^^'

Infinite: Hmm?

Luna: I have some experience, so I think I get the basic idea of this thing. Make sure that you're all buckled up properly, cus this thing is fast.

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