The Undead Hybrid

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The group were making preparations to attack Imyne's castle, the Shribal Tribe grabbed their weapons and began to chant in front of Aiyana.

Aiyana: Today we take back this world! We bring down the monster that has tormented us for so long, and we shall take her head and use it as a symbol of our wrath! The Shribal Tribe will defend the weak, and will fight those who wish to prey upon those who cannot defend themselves!

The tribe continued to chant and raise their weapons in the air, Infinite watched from nearby and smiled.

Infinite: I appreciate her determination. After being down here for so long in this strange world, she's still got hope.

Luna: Hehe, yep. I can sense it. There's tons of hope within her.

Splendid: So when do we attack?

Infinite: Soon enough, Splendid. 

Turco: Once we get in the castle, we just gotta keep an eye out. This place has been unpredictable but Imyne is a psychopath, and tons of twisted shit could be in that castle.

Aeris: Right.

Aiyana: Infinite!

Infinite: Hmm? Yes, Aiyana?

Aiyana: We will begin our march towards the castle! Are you ready with your group?

Infinite: I am. 

Aiyana: Very well. ONWARDS!

Infinite: Multiversal Heroes, let's save this dimension!


The Shribal Tribe and the Multiversal Heroes left the village and began their journey to the castle, Imyne watched from the top and saw the distant lights coming from the torches.

Imyne: This will be entertaining. I can kill two birds with one stone here. Maybe I can even convert them all into undead warriors... Ha! Imagine how powerful I could be...

Molten: Are you sure you wish to fight alone? 

Imyne: Yes, Molten.

Molten: Remember what happened to Bermuda. She fought alone and failed miserably.

Imyne: She was but a mere space pirate. Those freaks are long gone by now.

Molten: ...If you truly believe you can fight them all alone, then I will not stop you. But now this, Malice or Dargovrah will not save you if they overpower you.

Imyne: Trust me, I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

Molten: Very well. I wish the best of luck to you.

Imyne rubbed her hands together and opened a portal back to the normal world, Molten walked into it as Imyne left the top of the castle and went down a flight of steps. The Shribal Tribe speared down any undead creatures that defended the site.

Aiyana: Leave none of them alive!

Splendid and Aeris butchered a undead giant with their weapons as I. Jen summoned a storm of hail and icicles, impaling many of the zombies.

Turco: Alright, three, two, one!

Infinite and Turco cracked the gates' lock protected by dark magic and brought it down.

Turco: Alright, we are in!

Infinite: Let's go, everyone!

Aiyana: I will go with.

Infinite: What about your people?

Aiyana: They will be fine, they have trained endlessly for this day.

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