Prolouge: Japan, here I am!

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Ozzie pov
I leaned on palm as I look out the window, so close. I was so close to arriving in Japan.

New school

New classmates

New opportunities

New... people

I sighed heavily at the thought of my previous school, before scratching at the bandages on my face covering my nose and cheeks.

I looked back at the window and see the run way, we were landing.

I take my headphones out so that I can hear what the flight attendant had to say.

He spoke in Japanese but I understood, I actually learned Japanese before even knowing I was going to UA. It was mostly a hobby gone too far.

I noticed the man next to me moving and he was getting up.

I got up as well and began walking off the plane and into the airport.

Once I was in the building I looked around for the pink skinned girl and her mother.

They were gonna house me for my stay in Japan.

It was her or some guy who looked like a Pomeranian but I realized it'd be less weird if I choose the girl.

"Ozzie!" I hear someone call out so I turn around

Almost as soon as I turn I am practically tackled by pink.

"It's so nice to finally see you in person!" She squeals

"N-nice to meet you too." I chuckle.

She almost hit my bandages

"Hello, Cisneros" I hear her mother great.

I give a simple bow back and follow the two into a car.

The ride was pretty calm just Mina asking a few questions like how the trip was and about my quirk.

At one point I said something in Spanish and she told me that there was someone in our class that was half Mexican, so I'm excited to meet them.

We arrived at her house, it wasn't small but it wasn't huge either. It was probably meant for an average sized family, but from what I knew, Mina was the only child.

After exiting the car with a few of my bags and entering the house I was greeted by a white fluffy dog.

"Kichi!" I squealed in happiness as the dog was pawing at my leg.

Kichi was given to me after my incident and I never really found out what breed he was.

His real name is Kokichi, based off of one of my favorite characters from my favorite video game.

I was super excited when they allowed me to bring Kichi with me.

"Okay, here are the rest of your bags, let me show you to your room." Mina offered well more like demand because she said that and just started walking up the stairs without waiting for my answer.

Me and Kichi look at each other but end up just following her.

We arrive at the top and she leads me to a room with a light purple door, the knob was silver and on the door had a small sign that said my name and a bunch butterflies, my favorite animal- more like bug.

"This is your room, there's already a bed and a few drawers you can use for either clothes or Knick knacks." She explains opening the door.

The walls were the same color as the door and the bed had a silver bed frame.

Jesus her memory is amazing.

After a bit if standing in awe at the room Mina pokes my cheek, avoiding the bandages.

I turn to her and give her a confused look.

"Well, I'm sorry to leave you like this but I have to go, I made plans completely forgetting that today was the day you were arriving!" She apologizes putting her hands together in apology.

"Oh that's fine." I rub the back of my head, "I would do the same if I gotta be honest." I chuckle at her.

She smiles at me then pats my head before running down the stairs.

"Promise I'll make it up to you!"

Then I hear the door slam closed.

I sigh heavily then give a soft smile to Kichi.

"Guess I should start unpacking, huh?"

I close the door behind me.

U.A here I come (Bnha OCx Hitoshi Shinso x Hanta Sero)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum