Chapter 12: Day Off

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Fun fact (lowkey kinda sad fact): Ozzie's bio father died before she was even born in a house fire trying to save his wife (Ozzie's mom) and son (Ozzie's older brother). Ozzie doesn't know this, she just knows that he isn't around.

Ozzie pov
I was rudely awoken by Kichi laying his heavy self on me.

"No! Kichi, off!" I whined

He got off but I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep. I look at the time and it was 9am.

"I wonder what time it is in America." I picked up my phone and googled it. "5pm, huh? I should call mom before she goes to sleep."

(Like before this font is Ozzie's mom and this font is Ozzie and everything is in Spanish because I'm too lazy to write all that out and translate it later 😅)


"Hi mommy!"

"Hello baby, how have you been?"

"I've been amazing!"

"That's good to hear. I saw the sports festival. Second place? I'm so proud of you!"

"Thanks mom."

We spoke for about three more hours about school, the festival, the new friends I've made, and a bunch of stuff about what's happening at home, before she has to hang up to go to bed.

It was 12 pm at this point so I decided to take a shower, thank god my room had its own shower.

After my shower I put on simple blue jeans and white baggy shirt. I made sure to have my binder on and not tighten it too much.

I grabbed a book off my shelf, started my playlist, and just started reading. I didn't even know what the hell I was reading, I was too busy listening to the music.

"Es que no sabes cuánto duele el amor! No sabes cuánto duele en el corazón!" I sung along with the song, not really noticing my volume. "Es que el efecto que causaste en mí!"

Next thing I know Mina is practically breaking my door down, "WE GET IT, YOU'RE A MORNING PERSON!" She scolds

Her hair was messy and she seemed to still be wearing pajamas.

"It is 12 pm how are you still tired?"

"I knew we had an off day so I stayed up watching some k-dramas."

"Not my fault you didn't tell me." I look back at my book, was I really reading 'Fifty Shades of Grey'?

Then she threw my picture frame at me.

I panicked and jumped to grab it, hitting my head on the wall but not really caring since the picture was fine.

"Mina! This is an important picture!"

"It was the first thing in reach."

I'm definitely putting it somewhere else.

"Okay, whatever. Since you're up, get ready. I want to go to the market for some ingredients."

"What are you making?"

U.A here I come (Bnha OCx Hitoshi Shinso x Hanta Sero)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora