Chapter 15: Kind Stranger

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Fun fact: Ozzie's parents quirks are photosynthesis and flashlight which is how Ozzie got her quirk!

Ozzie pov
It was the morning of internships and I once again woke up a little too early in order to store up a bit of extra sunlight. I was already in my school uniform, Kichi was at my side just enjoying the warm rays and getting just a bit more sleep in because luckily enough, he was allowed to come with me to my internship since I'll be staying Gang Orca for the week.

I hummed 'Someone to spend time with' quietly to myself while fidgeting with the ends of my hair.

After what felt like hours, Mina walked in and asked me if I was ready to go.

"Yeah, let me just get Kichi in his vest." I say, getting up and walking to my drawer in order to get Kichi's vest. I also needed his paper work but that was already in my backpack.

"I didn't know he was a service animal." Mina spoke

"Not a lot of people do." I chuckle


"He's mostly just emotional support." I explain

"Why do you need emotional support?"

"Ptsd." I reply calmly, this was one of the only things I was kind of just neutral about, I didn't want people finding out but if they did, oh well.

We ended up leaving a bit early so we passed by the convenience store and bought these weird fish shaped things that Mina says are filled with sweet red bean paste.

I was reluctant at first but trusted Mina's judgement. The first bite wasn't as good as she claimed it to be, after a couple of bites though I started to become accustomed to the flavor and ended up really liking it.

I managed to finish it by the time we got to the train and met up with Hanta.

"Good morning Hanta!" I greet.

"Good morning guy-" he looked down at Kichi, "What's with the dog?"

"He's Ozzie's service pet." Mina answers for me.

"Oh? I didn't know you needed a service pet."

"Not a lot of people do." I laugh.

I thought he was gonna ask what I needed a service animal for, but he didn't.

We then talked for a bit about our internships and how we think/ hope they will go.

The train arrives and we get in, I was a little sleepy and was about to fall asleep until we stopped at the next stop and a lady came up to me.

"Excuse me, may I have your seat please? I would ask your gentleman friend but he seems to have fallen asleep." She asked, she was pregnant and no way was I gonna refuse a pregnant woman a seat.

"Of course." I grab Kichi's leash, my bag and then get up. I help the lady sit down and stood in front of Hanta and Mina.

"You aren't from around here, are you?" The lady spoke, I think trying to start conversation.

"No, I'm from America." I kept the conversation up, not wanting to be rude.

"An American! How fun." She responds, it was quiet for a minute before she spoke up again, "Oh now I know why you seemed so familiar." her smile widened "You're the young lady that got second place at the sport's festival."

"Yeah." I replied awkwardly, I thought people forgot about it by now.

"If I am being honest, I feel as if you could have won first place if you hadn't passed out."

"Maybe, I don't know, Kats- Bakugo is pretty ruthless." I joke with the lady

"Is he now? He seemed to just be putting on a show." She joked back

I chuckle and continue the conversation with her. It was a great conversation, we spoke about my school life and I got to know a little bit about what she does for a living, she's a primary school teacher. But as nice as the conversation was, something felt off, as if someone was watching us. I forced myself to shake it off.

Suddenly the conductor announced that we were about to arrive at our stop. I lightly kick at Mina then Hanta's leg.

"Hey, wake up. We're almost at our stop." I spoke calmly

Mina began waking up but Hanta was only saying "I'm up, I'm up." even after not waking up.

I got frustrated so I kicked him in the shin, hard

"Ow! What the hel- oh."

"Let's go."

"G- gotcha!"

"Good." I smile before turning towards the lady, "This is our stop. I'll see you around, hopefully."

She smiled and waved back as we walked out of the train then meeting up with the rest of the squad.

We got to the school earlier than we thought. Guess we were really excited about our internships.

"You guys think Shinso is here yet?" I ask the squad while we walk towards the building.

"Maybe, but we don't know him well enough to know for sure." Eijiro responded.

"I'm right here." A voice spoke scaring the shit out of me.

I yelped and ended up losing my balance and falling over. I didn't land super hard but I still fell over and it was enough to get Kichi in defense mode.

He stood in a protective stance between me and Shinso then began to growl and bark at Shinso. A sign to get away from me or else, but he never does anything.

At this point, there was a small group of people staring at us and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't embarrassed.

I patted Kichi's side three times which was my indicator that everything was okay and that he didn't need to be in defense mode.

Kichi stopped growling and just sat there silent watching me in case I needed help getting back up.

Once I got up, I turned to Shinso

"Sorry about him, that's what he's been taught to do when-"

"Someone dangerous is near?"

"Yeah." Oh wait! "I mean not like you're dangerous! He just doesn't know who to trust sometimes and you just scared me and he probably thought you were trying to hurt me! But obviously you wouldn't so you really shouldn't feel bad-"

"Ozzie!" Shinso spoke, stopping my little rambling session, "I get what you mean, it's alright. I shouldn't have startled you like that. I'm sorry."

"Oh okay." I honestly didn't know what to say. It's usually easy for me to tell what someone is thinking, but that's almost impossible with Shinso.

"I'll see you at lunch, okay?" He patted my shoulder and I just nodded okay.

"But we have internships today." Denki reminds me so I have to call back to Shinso

"Wait Shinso, I can't! We have internships this week!"

"Right! I forgot! Then next week!" He responds back

Then me and the squad walk into the building and to our classroom.

U.A here I come (Bnha OCx Hitoshi Shinso x Hanta Sero)Where stories live. Discover now