Chapter 5: Que Chingados es un 'Sports Festival'?

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Fun fact: Ozzie regularly binds, she's normally a B cup but binds it into an A cup. When she needs to do exercise she wears a sports bra that has no padding. She does this because she's always felt awkward with her chest size, even if it's an average size. She is also one of the biggest advocates for binding safely since she almost passed out one time from having the binder on for too long

Ozzie pov
The next day we returned to school like normal.

Me and Mina arrive at the train station and there was Hanta waiting for us.

"Sero, hey." Mina greets him

"Good morning Mina, Ozzie." He smiles at us

"Buenos diaz Hanta!"

He turns... pink? Then mumbles something I can't understand.

"What was tha-" I was cut off by the train arriving.

We got in and I decided to stay quiet this time since last time I felt like I was talking too loud.

We arrive at our destination and meet up with the rest of the squad.

We, well they talked a lot about yesterday and my voice, it's a bit embarrassing since I'm so used to being talked down on, but I guess this is what change was for.

We arrive at the school and caught up with Midoriya but it was weird, while talking to Midoriya, Katsuki seemed distant.

He had a scowl but he seemed, disappointed? Hmm, I'll need to ask him about that later.

We walk into the class not expecting Aizawa to be there but nope.

This dude looked like a whole ass mummy and still came to teach us, now that's commitment to your job.

He sat and began to talk about how he was fine then mentioned something called a sports festival and everyone seemed pretty excited but uhm... que chingados is that?!?

"Aren't you excited Ozzie?" Momo asked me, her head tilted in curiosity.

"Uh well..." I rubbed the back of my head, "I don't really know what that is." I chuckle awkwardly.

She gives me a simple little 'oh' before explaining what the sports festival was.

"So it's essentially a show of power and all classes and courses are included?" I ask and Momo nods.

"Thank you so much for explaining that for me."

"No problem." She responds with a soft smile.

Class continued on but all I can think about was how to train for this sports festival.

I'm relatively new to this and don't have any physical training.

I guess I'm decent at long range attacks, but what if I need to fight someone without my quirk? I need more help with hand to hand combat.

Well the most physically fit here are Eijiro, Katsuki, and Midoriya.

But I'm pretty sure Kats won't train me and I know Eijiro likes to train alone, so that leaves Midoriya.

I make a mental note to ask him during lunch if he can train me for the sports festival.

After confirming my plan with myself, I start to pay attention in class.

Lunch time arrives and I put my stuff in a pile and just as I was gonna ask Midoriya he disappeared.

"Dang it."

"What's up Ozz?" Hanta asks.

"I was gonna ask Midoriya if he can train me for the sports festival."

"Oh, I can train you."

"Thanks, but I really want Midoriya to train me."

He just looks at me blankly and almost deflated.

Did I say something wrong?

Ack! No time for that!

"Anyway, I'm gonna go look for him, tell the squad I'll be right there I just need to find Midoriya."

I run out of the classroom before he can respond.

I run through the halls and my first thought was the cafeteria and just as I was gonna enter someone called for me.

"Hey Cisneros, I heard you were looking for me?" It was Midoriya.

"Yeah, I wanted to know if you could train me?" I ask hopefully.

"Why me?"

"Well you seemed the most physically fit and accustomed to hand to hand combat."

He blushed red, "Well, I guess I can train you then."

"Thank you!" I jump and hug him

He hesitantly accepts the hug.

"Okay, meet me after school and we can find you a routine, sound good?"


"Alright then, see you after school. Bye Cisneros."

"You can call me Ozzie, it's more natural for me."

"Really? I'll try to keep it in mind."

"Okay bye Midoriya."

We wave good bye and I head into the cafeteria, there the squad was.

They already had their lunch so I just went to sit with them.

Mina looked at me, "You aren't gonna eat?"

"Huh? Oh, I wasn't really hungry." I lied, I was starving but I didn't want to wait in that long ass line.

"Too bad then," Denki speaks up, "We bought you this lunch, guess you don't want it." he slides a tray of food from the middle of the table towards him and Katsuki.

"Actually on second thought," I use my quirk to make a small claw contraption and pull the lunch towards me, "I'm starving."

I begin eating and it was good, not what I'm used to eating but I expected that much.

"So did you end up finding Midoriya?" Hanta asks

"Huh? Oh, yeah I did and he agreed to train me." I responded and got back to eating.

"You're training with that damn Deku?"

"Yeah... what's wrong with that?"

He didn't respond he kinda just 'tch'ed at me and that was it.

I continued eating and was still hungry.

I really need to work on my hunger.

Lunch ends and we head back to class.

The first of my worries covered.

Now, to figure out who Shinso really was.

It might sound creepy but he seems super interesting.

Given that I've only met him once and that was because he fell on me, I wanted to get to know him and even I don't know why.

I sigh and just lean on my palm waiting for class to end.

Guess I'll find out eventually.

U.A here I come (Bnha OCx Hitoshi Shinso x Hanta Sero)Where stories live. Discover now