Chapter 16: Internships

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Ozzie pov
Once we were all in class Mr.Aizawa made everyone grab their hero costumes and follow him to a bus.

He told me to head to Ectoplasm's class. Apparently Gang Orca has some business with Ectoplasm so I can just go with him on his way back to his agency and not waste a train ticket.

So after saying bye and good luck to everyone I was on my way to the Ectoplasms class. Kichi happily following behind me.

Once I got there Gang Orca had already arrived and was talking to Ectoplasm and Paperback (@/ prmths.c's OC on Instagram). So I knocked on the door frame in order to not just stand there and be rude.

"Ah, Ms. Cisneros. Good morning." Ectoplasm greeted me.

"Good morning sir." I greeted back and bowed a little, "And you must be Gang Orca." I pointed out to who I only had to assume was him.

"Yes, hello. It is nice to finally meet you." He reached his hand out for me to shake it so I did.

"Ms. Cisneros here is one of our most promising students. She has proven to be quite skilled with her quirk." Paperback explained to Gang Orca.

I just sat there kind of awkwardly. Receiving and accepting compliments was always weird to me, even when I was a kid. My mom says that it's also apparently a habit that my dad had.

Now that I think about it. My mom mentions my dad to me a lot.

"Ms. Cisneros?" Paperback tapped my shoulder, both getting my attention and startling me.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something." I awkwardly reply

"It's alright. Just make sure to lose the habit before something bad happens on the job." Paperback responded.

I nod my head and that's when Kichi decided to make his presence known.

He pawed at my leg and whined a little.

"Oh, sorry bud." I turn to Gang Orca, "This is my service pet, Kokichi. I have absolutely no idea what breed he is but he is very smart and well behaved." I introduced Kichi as Mr.Aizawa said I needed to.

"He seems like a very smart dog indeed." Gang Orca responds. "Now then. We should get going, follow me." He starts walking out of the room so me and Kichi follow.

I was kind of excited for these upcoming days.

Time skip a few hours

We arrive at his agency and he instructed me to go and change into my hero costume.

I went to change and once I'm out I'm immediately on patrol with Gang Orca and one of his sidekicks.

We tried to get Kichi to stay at the office but he refused to leave my side so he ended up staying with us.

Patrol was honestly pretty calm. Gang Orca and his sidekick would give me tips and advice from time to time but overall it was nice.

Day 2

More patrol but a little less calm.

We were taking our normal route when some villains tried to rob a jewelry shop.

They were a pretty easy catch since they tried to get away in a car and all I had to do was throw some spikes on the floor to pop the car tires

Gang Orca and his sidekick tied the villains up while I went to return the jewelry to the shop owner.

Day 3

U.A here I come (Bnha OCx Hitoshi Shinso x Hanta Sero)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang