Chapter 3: First Day Part. 2

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Fun fact: When Ozzie is feeling high amounts of emotions her eyes change color and little fangs grow in her mouth. The teeth is something that her mother, aunt and grandfather have and everyone else before that (the result from a mutation quirk that goes back quite a few generations) and the eyes is due to her light quirk (which is a side effect her father had).

Ozzie pov
I threw the weblike substance at the mist guy making sure not to miss and just as my suspicions thought, there is a body in there somewhere.

I smirk and pull a whip out of my wrist.

"Ha! Just as I thought! There is a body in there somewhere!" I declare towards my classmates.

"Which means..." Eiji began

"This bastard can be defeated." Katsuki smirked.

We got into ready position just in case the mist guy decided to attack.

"Kids get out of the way!" 13 told us and attempted to use their quirk on the man, but failed as he made a portal that made it so that 13's quirk hit their back.

"Holy crap!" One of our classmates yell before going to catch 13.

Me and Hanta go and help him keep 13 up.

I look up at mist guy angrily and just as I was gonna say something I see Katsuki attacking the mist man.

He said something about having to get pieced together for weeks so my focus was to watch 13 along with Hanta and our classmate who's name I found out was Sato.

Things really weren't looking good for us.

Was this really how I was going to die?

Half way across the world from my family?

I could feel the itty bitty fangs poking at my gums.

My thoughts were cut off by a burning on my ankle.

I look down, ice?

Just them I'm pulled with the ice, knocking me down and causing me to hit my head on the floor.

"Ozzie!" I hear Hanta call.-

After about three minutes of being dragged, I'm face to face with a girl.

She had pale almost icy skin, big round dark blue eyes, mid length aquamarine hair that was half up half down, and blue freckles scattered across her face.

"Well look at this cutie." She cooed at me, "I don't remember seeing your name or picture on the roster."

She got uncomfortably close to my face.

"Oh!" Her eyes glimmered at me and her singular fang now on full display, "You must be the transfer student!" She squealed

What do I do? The room is only filled with artificial light and I'm almost at my limit.

"Hey, what's with the mask?" She asks reaching for the mask on my face.

I jerk away so that she can't touch it.

"Don't be like that." She pouts, using what I assume is her quirk to envelope me further in ice. Only my face exposed

"Now, let's try this again." She says reaching for my mask again and successfully removing it, her face in shock at the wound on my face.

"Oh dear, did one of our guys do that?" She asked me softly pressing on my wound, "I'll have to punish those meanies later." She puffs out her cheeks.

"Wh-who ar-are you-u?" I ask shakily, the cold was getting to me.

"Oh?" She tilted her head to the side like a curious child, "I am Frostbite. The second in command of the league of villains."

So who's her leader?

Crap, I can't think straight.

The cold is getting to me, I feel like I'm gonna pass out.

The girl said something but I couldn't hear it.

Next thing I know I close my eyes and wake up in a hospital bed.

I look to my right and I saw pink fluffy hair, must be Mina.

I reach out and pet her and her head shoots up.

She looks at me in shock then her eyes tear up.

"O- Ozzie!" She sobs before hugging me, I hug back, "I- I was so-so worried!"

"I- I'm fine, just cold." I chuckle

"Oh, was it because you were covered in ice?"

"I was?"

"Yeah, when we found you you were completely covered in ice except for your face." She explained

Right, that girl with the blue freckles.

"I'm fine, promise." I reassure Mina.

"You sure?"


"Okay then, let's go home."

I got out of the bed but was tugged back by the iv that I didn't even realize was in my hand.

"Ha ha! Oops, let me go get Recovery Girl!" Mina then ran out of the room and that was when I realized I was in a nurses office and not a hospital

"Jesus, America needs to step up their game." I mumbled to myself chuckling a bit.

Just then Mina walks in with Recovery Girl.

"Oh, you are awake. Let me get that out of you dearie."

She goes to a small counter and grabs a few bandages then comes up to me.

She removes the iv then puts a small cotton ball where the iv was sticking out then bandages my hand up.

"There all done." She says so I get up, say a small thanks and was about to walk out until she spoke up again.

"Oh, one more thing miss Cisneros." I turn to look at her, "When we found you, you had a big wound across your face so I healed it, I couldn't do anything about the scar though."

I look at her in confusion but then I turn to look at the mirror near her station and there it was, a huge scar that went across my nose and parts of my cheeks.

"Oh..." I didn't really have a reaction, it didn't look bad, it just looked different.

"Thank you." I say then walk out with Mina.

Once we were almost home Mina spoke up.

"So... I know you almost died of frostbite and all, but how was your first day?" Mina asked looking at me to see my reaction.

"It was uhm... interesting." I chuckle, scratching the back of my head. My hair tie was long gone, probably froze and broke off when they removed me from the ice.

"Oh..? So you like it here?" Mina's voice bubbly and curious

"I mean, I don't really know yet." I chuckle

Mina just laughs then hugs me.

Yeah... that for sure really was one hell of a first day.

U.A here I come (Bnha OCx Hitoshi Shinso x Hanta Sero)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя