Chapter 11: Sports Festival Part. 4

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Ozzie pov
As the sports festival continued, I was pretty sad to see Mina and Eijiro lose their rounds.

But in their defense, Tokoyami's dark shadow couldn't be affected by Mina's acid and Eijiro was up against Katsuki so he was bound to lose.

I also found out that Midoriya over used his quirk and was with Recovery Girl.

After a quick break and a talk with Katsuki, the semi-final rounds began.

Up first was Katsuki and Todoroki.

If I'm being honest, I don't know who was gonna win. Both were extremely strong individuals with an extreme drive to win.

I really wanted to watch but something was telling me that I wanted a nap, so I left the watch area to look for somewhere where I can take a quick nap before my round.

I found an empty room and just napped in there.

Another lazy bitch time skip

"May Ozzie Cisneros please come to the arena!" I hear on the loud speaker.

I jolt up, energized and run towards the arena.

I arrive pretty quick but also out of breath, but boy was I prepared.


"Oi, goggles!"

"Yes, Katsuki?"

"Come here."

"Uh, okay. . ?"

"Your opponent is bird brain, right?"

"That's a mean nickname but yeah, why?"

"Then you've got the perfect advantage over him."

"What do you-"

"His quirk, dark shadow. It relies on the darkness and your quirk relies on light. You overpower him just like that. Use that small brain of yours and figure something out with that."

Flashback end

I was facing Tokoyami and gave him a respectful bow before the countdown began.





Just as I suspected, he launched dark shadow at me, but before he can push me out I create what was basically a cage to surround dark shadow. The cage had multiple mirrors that reflected the light that it was made out of.

I also took a note of how Hanta tried to get Todoroki out of bounds.

I create ropes that then wrap around Tokoyami and fling him towards one of the ends of the arena.

That shit hurts! How the hell did Hanta do it?!??

Unlike Hanta's attack though, mine actually worked and Tokoyami was successfully thrown out of bounds.

U.A here I come (Bnha OCx Hitoshi Shinso x Hanta Sero)Where stories live. Discover now