Chapter 13: Hero Names

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Ozzie pov
I woke up this morning in a panic, I wasn't late, Kichi didn't jump on me, it was just a nightmare, more like a memory though.

I was being help down by my old bullies as the main girl used her quirk to burn me any place she could, my arms, my neck, my legs, thighs, stomach, wrists, ribs. I still remember how much it hurt and how embarrassing it was knowing that they were recording everything.

Kichi must've noticed my state because he immediately came up and started to lick my face, reassuring me that I wasn't in America and that they couldn't hurt me here.

I can honestly never forget her. She had this bright orange hair that she tied in a side ponytail to mock me, she had these milky white eyes and pale skin.

(If you haven't noticed, Ozzie's old bully looks almost identical to Kendo which is actually a design error on my part ┐(')┌ but I will take it and run with it.)

"Thanks Kichi." I pet his head then got out of bed to get ready.

Once done I headed downstairs and met up with Mina so that we could head out.

As we were in the train there were a couple of people pointing at us and whispering. I just pulled out my earbuds, put them in, and ignored them.

3rd person pov
"Oh my god look! It's the girl who got second place." One whispered

"Yeah but she obviously doesn't deserve it. She's an American." Her friend whispered back

"She probably cheated her way to second." They giggled

"And look at her face! What an ugly scar!"

"She probably got it from from something gang related."

"And did you know, the boy sitting next to them is also half foreigner."


"Yeah, I have a friend who went to the same middle school as him and he's admitted to it."

"Ugh, disgusting. They should go back to where they belong."

Comments like this continued the entire ride. By the time they were exiting the train it looked as if Mina wanted to explode.

"You okay 'shido?" Denki asked

"Some girls on the train, don't worry." Ozzie explained


Ozzie changed the topic of conversation and make the walk not as awkward as it would have been.

Ozzie pov
I knew Mina was mad but if I let myself be mad too it would just make everything worse.

We got to school with only a few stops like some kids stopping to tell Hanta 'nice try' and some grade schoolers telling Mina that she was pretty.

Once on campus I saw Shinso. Wanting to say hi I separated from the squad for a bit.

"Shinso! Hey!" I run up and greet him.

"Good morning, Ozzie."

"Who's that?" A girl with long light brown hair asked.

"She's a friend of mine. She's the one who got second place at the sports festival." Shinso answered her

"Oh you mean the one who passed out?" She mocked.

Yeesh, I know! But, hey!

"Actually I-"

"Passed out or not she made it way further than you did."

Did he just defend me?

The girl scoffed and walked away.

U.A here I come (Bnha OCx Hitoshi Shinso x Hanta Sero)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora