Chapter 17: Admit it

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Uraraka pov
Ozzie looked up at me and Tsu.

Her face red and eyes glowing, flashing from a lime green to a blush pink. Is that a side effect of her quirk?

"D- do I what?" She stuttered, she had to have been caught off guard.

"Do you like Shinso?" I asked again for Tsu

"I- I." Ozzie's face was basically a tomato at this point, her eyes glowing impossibly brighter.

She looked at the floor and sheepishly nodded.

I squealed then ran to hug her.

"You owe me 3000 yen!" I pointed at Tsu.


"Me and Ochaco made a bet to see who you had a crush on." Tsu explained

"Who did you bet on?" Ozzie asked as I let her go, her eyes now returning to their normal yellow to brown ombré.

"Sero." Tsu responded

Ozzie pov
"Okay, I get Shinso but why Hanta?" I ask tilting my head to the side in curiosity

"You're probably one of the only people who call him by his name." Tsu explains

"But I call Mina, Denki, Eijiro, Izuku, and Katsuki by their first names." I try to justify

"That's true..." Tsu said putting her finger on her chin, "There are other reasons, but I'd rather not say."

What else do I do to make them think that??

"Then, why don't you call Shinso by his name?" Uraraka asked

"That's easy," I chuckle "He hasn't given me permission to call him by his first name. But if he said it was okay, I would." I explain to them

"Would you like to?" A voice asked from behind me.

I jumped before checking who it was. Of course it had to be Shinso!


"You said you would call me by my name if I allowed you to, but do you want to?" He asked looking at only me.

"We'll, if you are comfortable with me calling you by your name then yeah." My face was so hot right now

"Then yes you can call me by my name. It's only fair since I always call you by yours." Shin- Hitoshi said.

"Okay." I say quietly

"Alright then, see you later." He patted my head and just as he came he was gone.

I felt my face practically light on fire with how embarrassed I felt.

"Ozzie you're glowing!" Ochaco announced

I looked at her surprised before looking down at my hands, I was in fact glowing. The pattern being nothing but random little scribbles on my body. Soft pink and pastel yellow ran through my body as I tried to calm down.

"Does that always happen when you're embarrassed?" Tsu asked

"No! It's only ever happened when I'm in the dark." I explain looking at my arms while still trying to calm down.

"Think about something not embarrassing." Uraraka suggests

"Like what?"

"Uhm... think about your dog!" Uraraka suggests, so I do just that.

I think about Kichi to help calm me down and it works. My face doesn't feel as hot and my hands aren't glowing anymore.

"Did it stop?" I ask and the two girls in front of me nod so I relax a bit.

"Not to startle you but your eyes are glowing a bright yellow now." Uraraka says.

"Yeah give me a sec." I tell them and try to calm my happiness down.

"So do your eyes always change to how you're feeling?" Uraraka asks

"Yeah, red is anger, orange is confusion, yellow is excitment/ hopefullness/ happines, lime green is nervousness/ frustration/ startled, baby blue is worry/ hopelessness, dark blue is sad, dark purple is sleepiness, baby pink is embarrassment, grey is guilt and fuchsia is-" I stop myself "You don't need to know about fuchsia."


"We don't talk about fuchsia." I say sternly and feeling embarrassed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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