Chapter 14: Choices, choices

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Ozzie pov
I was currently in class looking through my draft picks.

Even though I got a lot less then Kats or Todoroki there were still hundreds to look through.

I tried asking everyone who they were going with but even discussing it with them was a hassle since I didn't know that many Japanese pros.

I also asked Ms. Kayama if she was doing internships but she said that she most likely wasn't because she was more of an on call hero and that I would just get bored interning with her.

I even asked Yaoyorazu only to find out that our quirks aren't even as similar as I originally thought! Her quirk relies on lipids while mine relies on sunlight, she needs to know how the item is created while I only need to be able to picture it in my mind, the things she creates don't revert back into lipids when enough damage is given, her items can only be pulled out of exposed skin while mine can be pulled out anywhere, and speaking about pulling! My items need to be physically pulled out by me while hers just kinda plop out of her skin if she wants them to.

I groaned and banged my head on the desk a couple of times out of frustration.

"Y a ti que te paso?" Hanta asked me with a chuckle

"Internships, eso es que me pasó."

"But you have plenty to choose from."

"That's the problem! There are too many, then to add to the stress I don't even know most of these heroes!"

"Can I see the list?"

"Knock yourself out." I gestured my hand towards the small stack of papers

"Oh, you have an offer from Kamui Woods, that's where me and Kaminari are interning."

"But the problem is, I don't even know if interning with him is a good idea. I mean yeah I would get experience but would interning with him benefit me in the long run? Like would I learn something from him that I don't already know?"

"Hmm, I see your problem." He put his hand on his chin and looked like he was thinking about something, "Oh! Why don't you ask Midoriya? He's got a lot of knowledge on heroes, maybe he can help you choose someone that you'd benefit from."

"Hmm, I'll try asking him during our training session."

Then the bell rung and Present Mic walked in to start class.

Time skip
(It's lunch time)

Ozzie pov
I was eating lunch with just Shinso this time when he asked how classes were going.

"Class is class. The only bad thing is that I've got to choose an agency to intern at before the end of the week."

"Did you not get offers?"

"I did but I don't know who to go with."

"Is it because you're from America?"

"Yeah, I don't know many Japanese heroes."

"Which ones do you know?"

"All Might, Midnight, Eraserhead, 13, and our teachers."

"That's tough."

"I know!" I whined slapping my hand over my face

"Why don't you ask Aizawa for some advice, he's a pro so he's bound to know which ones would be in your best interest."

"That's true."

"Now you don't need to stress out so much." He gave me a goofy 'I just solved all your problems' smile

U.A here I come (Bnha OCx Hitoshi Shinso x Hanta Sero)Where stories live. Discover now