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Chapter Eleven, WW XI


There is nothing sweeter than walking up to the gym where the homecoming dance is with the girl you are basically chauffeuring. I am being as blatantly sarcastic as I possibly can right now. The walk to the line outside the doors was purely agonizing. To make matters worse, some stupid freshman shouted my name and everyone I knew who were outside turned their attention to Carmen and I. All hell would have broken loose if we were holding hands.

Praise Jesus, my hands were shoved in my pockets because I just couldn't give a single care in the world for some lame dance.

After everyone had their moment to gape at the fact that it looked like we were together, they turned around and went back to their giddiness for the dance. I just prayed some more in my head that Adrian actually read my texts to meet up by the doors. With or without his date, Brandy, I still needed some accompaniment. Truthfully, I could have found my own date, but I would have been on another level of dread. While the line took forever to move because girls were having their little purses checked by security, I stared off in thought and, well, dread.

"Aren't you even the slightest bit excited? Louis is Bobby Blade. And we won our game yesterday. You were so happy last night. What happened?" Carmen asked, trying to make conversation with me. I admit I was silent during our car ride and chose to listen to one of my CDs instead of her voice.

"No, I'm not excited. Dances are a pathetic way of socializing and interacting with other students. I'd rather jump in front of a train and have my arms and legs chopped off than be here."

"That's very specific."

"Yeah? Well my ex-girlfriend who is the she-devil is inside with one of my best friends and I find it really uncomfortable to be 500 yards or more away from them."

"You still like her?"

"Hell no. She just wants to kill me for what I did and now she's with Peter, so it makes the situation fifty times more awkward."

"And you don't like awkward."

"Who doesn't?"

"I'm sure Samantha and you just need closure. Once you talk and explain yourself, then you'll feel more comfortable around her."

"What are you, my therapist?"

"No, I'm your friend giving you advice."

"Ew, just stop and go back to being a happy little panda waiting to dance with her friends."

"A panda?"

"Don't question me when you decided to wear black and white to a candy-themed dance."

"I kind of like being different and standing out from the crowd. And there's candy that's black and white."

"Whatever." I muttered to myself and began to ignore her presence again.

"Niall, don't be grumpy the whole night. Lighten up a little." Carmen urged after a few minutes passed and we moved six spots ahead.

"I want to be grumpy. It's different."

"You know, anger leads to high blood pressure which leads to heart problems? You should reconsider your theory on life and people."

"For Christ's sake, just leave me alone."

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