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Chapter Twenty One, Roses


I checked my phone for the fifth time because I was completely confused at the fact both of my parents were home earlier than usual and I had no prior notification. I cursed as I walked to the door and decided I might as well let out all my anger and worry now before I entered the house. I kicked the big daisy plant by the door that my mom loves because that's how upset I was at my current situation. I watched in satisfaction while petals fell to the ground and the plant looked sadly wounded.

She's going to kill me. If she doesn't murder me of course.

Before I walked inside, I prepared myself for what was to come. I had to be ready for the lectures and the punishments and whatever else. They'll probably give me those "I'm very disappointed in you" looks. Or the "We expected much better from you" looks or maybe the "I'm so done with you, I can't wait until you go to your room" looks. It's going to be a long night and I probably should've kept track of time at Carmen's. I sighed and then opened the door to be greeted with my parents, who were waiting for me with their arms crossed.

"Where were you?" my mom cuts right to the chase and asks before I can even close the door and properly step inside. I take my time until I feel I am ready to answer.

"I was at my friend's house."

"Which friend?" dad asks.

"Carmen. I gave her a ride and then she invited me inside to study for our big history test. There was quite a bit to cover and we lost track of time."

"Who is this girl? Why haven't we met her?"

"She's just some girl at school."

"I haven't heard of her until last weekend. Is she your girlfriend now?" my mom questions and I can't tell if she's upset or not.

"No, she's definitely not my girlfriend. We're barely even friends at most."

"Is she nice?"


"Is she like you in any way?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Is she respectful, honest, follows the rules, need I emphasize for you?"

I was ready to yell at my mom and bite her head off, because that was totally uncalled for, but I sucked it up and let it go. Carmen is like the definition of amazing. She is nowhere near like me. It infuriates me that my mom would even compare Carmen to me, but she doesn't know.

"No, I'm sure you'd love her if you met her."

"Alright, but this is all besides the point. Why didn't you tell us that you were studying with a friend?"

"Why didn't you tell me you guys were coming home so early? I'm not the only one at fault here for that. You can't tell me you were busy because if you were, you would still be at work right now. If it's so easy to pick up the phone and call or text, then why didn't you do that?"

"We wanted to surprise you tonight because after Greg's visit, we realized that we tend to be harder on you than we should be. We have all these assumptions about you, and part of the reason why is because we work too much and fill up our schedules to the point that we don't spend much time with you. We thought having a family dinner tonight and just being together will be good for us." my dad kindly explained, making me feel a huge wave of guilt that I've never felt before with my parents.

Tape • NHOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora