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Chapter Twelve, Kids


     I rubbed the back of my head as I exited the bathroom and walked to the kitchen. The house was way too quiet, but I was still tired and tried not to yawn with my mouth wide open. It's like the hardest thing ever and I felt like a lion. I passed by my dad's office and didn't see him inside and my mom wasn't in hers. I decided to ignore the fact that the house was weirdly empty and went to raid the kitchen cupboards for cereal. Of course my parents were sitting at the table quietly eating their breakfast while they shared the newspaper, more specifically the business section. If I'm quiet enough, they won't notice me.

     "Look who woke up." My dad joked to my mom right as I was pulling out the box of Frosted Flakes and mimicking Tony the Tiger in my head about how they're great. Stupid cereal shaking inside the box like its a maraca.

     "Why don't you have a bowl of oatmeal instead of cereal?" My mom suggested like she does every single time she sees me with cereal, so I told her my overused answer.

     "Because oatmeal is gross and disgusting and isn't food." I continued serving myself cereal and chose to sit on a bar stool at the counter instead of with them at the table.

     "It is food and it's healthier." She replied and I mocked her in my head because it's the same thing every time. I liked it better thinking they weren't home. I heard the paper rustling and knew it was my dad straightening it out.

     "What are you going to do today?" He asked as I loudly chewed and played with the flakes of cereal in my bowl.

     "I dunno." I answered with my mouth still full.

     "Have you finished your paper?"

     "What?" I paused and tried to remember when I told them I had a paper to write because- oh, that paper. That was my excuse to be left alone last night so I could sneak out. They were more than pleased because it showed I was taking initiative and working on improving my many Cs. "It's, uh, going well." I continued to lie and eat.

     "Stop lying to your father, Niall. You weren't writing a paper or studying or sleeping or whatever excuse you have this time. Your car wasn't even here. Where were you?" My mom asked in the tone she uses when she knows I'm going to say the truth because if I don't, she'll get it out of me somehow. Sometimes I think my mom has such a high position at her work because everyone is afraid of her.

     "I have been giving a ride to a friend and she didn't have one to the dance, so I offered so she wouldn't have to miss it." I purposefully didn't mention that I didn't want to waste my ticket.

     "What friend? Who is this girl?" My dad quickly questioned and now I realize I shouldn't have said that. I should work on my lies more. I think I'll watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off today while I'm stuck in this house.

     "She's new this year and her name is Carmen." I explained before shoving a large spoonful of Frosted Flakes in my mouth.

     "And?" My dad pushed. "You sneaked out of the house for this girl and you're looking at having your car keys taken away. Is she your girl-"

     "No, she isn't so can you leave me alone about it and please don't take my keys away because I'm her ride home and I'll feel bad." I cut my dad off which was a stupid mistake because pieces of food almost flew out of my mouth.

     "What do you mean you are her ride home?" My mom asked and I dropped my spoon in my bowl so I could turn around and face both her and my dad at the table. They are intelligent, intellectual people. Why must I explain further every time?

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