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Chapter Twenty, Sandwich


"Look! It's the dick and the loser." Some idiot pointed out as Carmen and I walked by.

"You guys should ditch school every day. You're disgusting."

I had to bite my tongue and force myself not tell the person off. Their insult was contradicting considering they're disgusting for saying it to both Carmen and I. I glanced at Carmen to see she was unusually calm and collected. It's almost as if she were deaf and couldn't hear people talking about us simply walking to my car. It only boiled my anger more and I wished harder than ever that Samantha would walk by. I'd go all ape on her if I were a girl. Carmen should. That would be sick, actually. Just picturing her... no, that's gross and wrong.

"If you guys are gonna fake this, then at least make it look believable." Another person said, causing Carmen to stop and face him.

"Do you really wanna see believable?"

"It ain't gonna happen."

I stood and watched with anticipation, waiting for Carmen to do or say something. It reminded me of our homecoming dance. She did something alright. As shocking and crazy as it sounds, she kissed me. Right. On. My. Left. Cheek. And. It. Was. Awesome. I may have acted like a twelve year old who had his first kiss from his crush, but I don't care. She kissed me and my cheek burned with this unforgettable pleasure. Maybe I was blushing and my cheeks were red, I don't know. It just felt really good and I freaking wish she didn't miss. My lips were right there. They're not hard to see.

"Is that believable enough for you?"

"Seems easy enough to kiss dudes' cheeks."

"Pervert." Carmen said. She took my hand and led me away from all the hating douches we unfortunately attended school with. I swear, we go to school with idiots who worship and believe anything that comes out of Samantha's mouth.

"I'll go beat that guy up if ya want?" I offered.

"No, I'm really pissed off and upset and emotional. Today is not my freaking day at all. It sucks."

I frowned at her confession, absentmindedly holding her hand tighter as we reached the parking lot. She doesn't deserve to feel this way. Well, so long as she doesn't think that kiss she gave me sucked. What is wrong with me?

"Listen, forget about school and everything that's going on, okay? I'll be pissed off and I'll worry about it. You're tougher thank you think, you know. Anything that happens, I'll be here for you. Well, depending if I'm busy or not."

"Funny, for a second I really thought you were sensitive. I was going to say how hanging out with a girl is making you soft."

"Ew, I don't hang out with girls. For your information, all of my friends are males."

"Really? Then what am I?"

"A person who happens to be female. Why are you questioning your gender?"

"I know I'm a girl, stupid, I meant aren't I your friend?"

"No! God no, I have no idea what you are."

"Dido. I was positive you were going to say I'm a stranger or something."

"I don't text strangers. That's creepy and weird."

"Gee, really Captain Obvious?"

"Just get in the car already."

"I don't like your car."

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