Deleted Scene

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Deleted Scene, Seven: A Deleted and Revised Chapter


Saturday night had ended with many questions unanswered and on Sunday I refused to answer any of Adrian's because I just knew that on Monday I would have to answer the same ones to our friends. These things must happen to any poor sap who falls in love and I vowed to myself Carmen would be the last girl because I just hated the whole process so much. Being in love is like being tortured, but it's worth it. Once, though. Being in love once is enough for me, but I would never let any of my friends know that.

Anyway, Monday had come and the first thing that happens when I park my car is Carmen tapping on my window and scaring me to death. She's just wonderful, but I purposely took my time getting out of my car to greet her. I smiled madly at her while every nerve ending in my body reacted, making me feel more than just excited to see her.

"Hi," she said with that frown on her face.

"Hi," I said with the same weird smile on my face.

"It's about time you came out of your car."

"I eventually did and am here," I said while shrugging my shoulders.

"Yeah, at least it didn't take you as long as it did on Saturday."

My face did go red and my eyes bulged and I almost went back inside my car to leave school and never come back. How did she know?

"I saw you park in front of my house. I went to the door and waited for you, but you were taking so long that I went back to my room. I decided since you made me wait for you, I was going to make you wait for me."

"You suck."

"Yeah, but you love me," she said with a smirk.

"So did your eldest sister answer the door on purpose and that's why Lacey showed up out of blue?"

"I told Francine to answer the door because I really wanted her to interrogate you, but she just never listens to me."

"Thank god she's nice."

"I guess. Lace showed up on her own accord and I was glad she did. Made up for lost time."

"I was so nervous... and the whole time you were being a sneaky little-"

"You were nervous?"

"No, no, no, I wasn't. Pshh, no."

"You so were! That's so cute."


I made a disgusted face at her to which she rolled her eyes. For a few seconds we just stared at each other with blank faces. I was trying to think of something to say her but nothing was coming to mind other how pretty she looked with my favorite curls.

"Niall, can we please walk around together? I really want to show to Samantha how much better we are as a couple than Peter and her are," Carmen said and I grinned.

"You're literally the best. We should totally rub it in their face when we reach them," I answered, thinking back to when Peter told me I need to prove to him I'm not gay. Oh crap, he told me I need to make Carmen my girlfriend.

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