Deleted Scene

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Deleted Scene, Five: A Deleted Chapter


Why is it when something is about to go down at school, people start to gather when the proceeding events have nothing to do them? It's so annoying. Like, I didn't hand you an invite. I clearly wanted to approach and talk to these people alone without an audience. Just because it's a public school, doesn't mean everything needs to be out in the open and shared. I'm sure people still do it under the bleachers at football games, but not everybody crowds around to watch. Soon enough word gets around, but why does there have to be so many witnesses? I swear, there's too many nosy people at school who need to mind their own business and wait until they hear it through the grapevine. Be freaking patient, gees.

Adrian was standing next to me while Peter stood in front us. People were gathered around us as if they were about to watch a sacrifice or murder take place. Not even a word had been spoken yet. I felt more claustrophobic than I have in ISS. I wished for everyone around us to vanish, combust, or disintegrate. It didn't look like any of those options were about to become a reality. Peter flicked his eyes back and forth between Adrian and I, and I knew he expected one of us to start. It sure as hell wasn't going to be me.

"We have to talk." Peter said after his eyes stayed on me.

"Good luck, because I'm not."

"Niall, I-"

"I don't want to hear it. You're sort of dead to me." I said with 100 percent seriousness.

"You're kidding me, right? Why are you mad at me? I didn't do anything."

"That's exactly why I'm mad at you. Actually, I don't like you." Peter scoffed and Adrian looked at me shocked.

"You know how stupid you sound? I don't know why you hate me. I understand you're not on the best of terms with my girlfriend, but so what?"

"So what? Were you even listening to what that lunatic was saying at the dance? She called out Carmen for no freaking reason. That's stupid. You just watched and haven't done a thing until now."

"Look, I'm sorry. If I remember correctly, though, you were pretty silent that day too. I know you were scared of her."

"I don't care, I hate you so why are we talking right now? Nothing you say will change my mind."

"You're being ridiculous! I've known you for how long? We've been best friends since third grade when you laughed at me and then started clinging to me with Adrian. Now one little thing happens and I'm dead to you?"

"It was a big deal. You wouldn't understand because you're not in my place right now."

"You're right, but I'm trying to and it makes no sense."

"I'm not going to sit here and try to explain it to you. Go ahead and talk to Adrian, I don't care. I'm done and could care less what comes out of your mouth."

It fell silent around us and I watched Peter stare at me in hurt and anger. We've been best friends for what feels like forever. He's been so close to me and to have something that seems so small come between us really is heartbreaking. I'm not just being mean and insensitive to him, but I seriously don't like him anymore. I feel as though he stabbed me in the back. And maybe in a few days or weeks I'll look back and agree that this is stupid, but I don't regret it. He should know me well enough by now. Adrian was still shocked and trying to take it all in. He wasn't expecting this either, but I definitely wasn't expecting what Peter did next.

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