Chapter 14

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"Daenerys," he said, running to her bed.

"Thorin Oakenshield," she asked. Thorin kneeled next to her bed.

"Yes, my queen, it's me. How can I serve you?" he said.

"Give me a burning log from the fire," she commanded him. On Legolas' face a little smile appeared. 'How can she command him, while he always goes against commands?' he thought. Thorin returned with the log. Daenerys made sure her wound wasn't touched by anything and then pushed the log against it. Legolas wanted to take it away, but he didn't hear any hissing and she wasn't in pain because of it. When Daenerys pulled the log away, the wound was gone. The colour also returned to her face.

"I would like to see the others," she said to Thorin.

"Yes, my lady," he shortly said, after which he walked away.

"Daenerys, you can't just get up," Legolas said.

"The fire healed me, trust me," she said and stood up. Together they walked towards the kitchen. When they stepped in, everything went quiet and all dwarves looked like they were waiting for something.

"Bend the knee," Daenerys said and all the dwarves, except Kili, fell to their knees. Daenerys looked at Kili, who fell to his knee as if he was scared. Legolas and Bilbo were shocked by the way she commanded them. Bilbo wanted to kneel too, but then he heard Daenerys' voice.

"Please, mister Baggins, you saved my life today, so I am the one to bow for you," she said and sat down on her knees. Legolas saw how the dwarves went lower as well.

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