Chapter 1

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Serenity's white heels clicked as she ran down the Great Crystal Hall. Photos of the past Queens blurred in the corners of her eyes. She reached the white doors and pushed with all of her strength. The tall doors opened and she squeezed herself through the crack.

Her feet ached from running in the heels but Serenity didn't care. After wearing them every day since she was 10, she has gotten used to them. The heel part of her white shoes sank into the dirt. In front of her was a meadow full of flowers of every color. Even in the moonlight, she could still see the colors.

Serenity picked up her white dress and slowly stepped through the meadow. Her mom would kill her if she knew and could physically get out of bed...

Pushing the thought far away, she kept prancing through the family of flowers. Serenity finally reaches the end to marble sidewalk. She looked out over her city. Turning to the side, she began to follow the sidewalk to her favorite place.

The Skyline.

Or so she named it. As she reached the cliff, the wind caught her hair and dress. The two flowed in the wind as she looked down at the Kingdom. Serenity closed her eyes and let the wind take away her worries.

"Serenity." A soft whisper came to her. Large warm arms wrapped around her torso and she leaned against the body for support.

She sighed his name. "Sin."

Sin turns her around and pulls Serenity into him. Her arms wrap around him and she puts her head where she can hear his heart. He put his chin on her head. "I miss you."

Serenity rolls her head back and looks up at her lover. A piece of his blonde hair hung over his eye. It was neatly cut and curled up on the back of his neck when it got too long. His brown eyes sucked her deep down into them. His little patch of hair on his chin matched his hair. Unlike Serenity's, his crescent moon was silver instead of her royal gold.

With love in every word, Serenity said "I miss you."

Sin was wearing his uniform. He was Captain on the Kingdom and usually her body guard. Which is how they became so close.

The princess put her head back toward his heart and they held each other for awhile. He smoothed down her long white hair that was tied in pony tails with round odangos. The wind swirled around them and the only light they had on the cliff was from the Moon.

"Stay with me." Serenity said.

He pulled her back. Sadness crossed his face and Sin shook his head. "You know I can't, Princess."

"Please! Just one night!" She begged. Tears almost came from her eyes.

"I am leaving tomorrow."

Serenity smiled at him. "That's another reason why you should come."

He looked down at her. Sin was at least a head taller than her. Serenity knew she has almost convinced him. She batted her eyes. "Please."

Instead of answering, he leaned his head down and their lips touched. Her skinny arms wrapped around his neck and she pulled him down more. His large arms pushed her body into him more. Electricity flowed through their bodies; poisoning their minds.

"One night?"

"One night." Serenity promised.

With that, the secret couple walked together hand in hand back to Crystal Tokyo.

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