Chapter 18 -Epilogue

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Queen Serenity touched the white lace on the dress. It was everything she wanted in an outfit. If she was a child, Serenity would have leaped for joy to see anything this beautiful hung up in her room. She would have wore it everyday.

Serenity sighed as she poked at the puffy sleeves of the dress. A cough came from behind her. Serenity turned to look at her friend, Aphrodite.

"Princess Serenity is wanting you." Venus told her.

Serenity walked over to her baby. The baby girl was pulling at Aphrodite's blonde hair. Baby Serenity's blue eyes looked deep into Serenity. The Queen scooped up her daughter her held her up on her shoulder. The baby's head laid against her shoulder. Aphrodite gave Serenity the princess's blanket.

Venus let the two be alone in the Queen's bedroom. Serenity looked out the wedding dress a bit more as she felt the baby's breath become slow.

"I miss you so much, Sin." Serenity whispered to the dress. After the war, Mars found her in the room wrapped up in covers. She had laid next to her.

"What will I do without him?" Serenity asked her friend.

Hestia looked at her in the eyes. "You will rule this Kingdom and have a baby,"

"The baby won't even have a father." Serenity sobbed into the pillow.

They were both silent for a moment. Hestia broke the silence. "Sin knew there was a war coming. He would wake up in the middle of the night from the dreams he was having. He kept dreaming that about the war. Sin also dreamed of dying over and over again...."

Serenity looked at her to go on.

"Serenity, he knew he was going to die. That's why he tried to be with you a lot. Sin came to me when he kept having the dreams."

Finally, Serenity saw the truth. And as she sat with the sleeping princess on her shoulder, her heart ached for those last moments with Sin. His touch, his eyes.

His kiss.

After the war, the Kingdom was restored. All the citizens were back to normal and the Sailors were healed. Chaos was gone. Hilarus was sent off to the Dark Kingdom to stay with

Nehelenia until told otherwise. His face was banned from any part of Serenity's kingdom.

All of her worries were gone but something tugged at the back of Serenity's head. She pushed back the thought if Chaos and rocked her daughter back and forth.

"Hopefully, you won't have to go through what I have gone through, Serenity. Chaos won't return." Queen Serenity cooed at her daughter.

The baby was miles away in a dreamy land. Princess Serenity was having a dream about five best friends fighting together against evil.

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