Chapter 4

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Serenity twirled around as a man spun her around. She danced in the middle of crowd.

After the crowning ceremony, the party was moved to the Moon Crystal Dome. It was pretty much what it's name called it. The dance floor was a large circle with marble. A moon was painted on the floor. A crystal dome was the ceiling and the Moon shunned through it.

People were everywhere. A classical band played to the side as people danced.

The song stopped and the man that was dancing with her bowed. Serenity curtsied and they parted. The new Queen stood in the middle of the floor. Another song started and everyone continued to dance. She took over her shoulder and considered sitting down.

A finger tapped her should. Serenity turned and locked eyes with Sin. "May I?"

Queen Serenity smiled. "Yes you may."

They both took hands and danced. "I'm so glad you are okay."

"And I am glad that you were chosen, Queen."

They both smiles at each other. The song changed but they kept dancing. "We don't have to hide anymore, Sin."

He nodded. "I know."

"We can be together."

"I know."

Serenity gave him a look. "Why don't you sound happy?"

"I am!" Sin reassured her.

She tipped her head down and didn't look at her. The happiness in her faded.

"Hey." He said then tipped her chin up. "I am happy."

"Then act it." She complained.

At the command, he kissed her. It was full of emotion. After the long kiss, Sin willed himself to let go. "Better?"

Serenity nodded. "Yes!"


They both turned to see Hilarus standing behind them. His broad shoulders and talk figure haunted Serenity. "Dance."

Queen Serenity looked over at Sin and nodded. He gave her a look before walking off. The brother and sister step into a dance.

"You are seeing Captain Sin?" He asked Serenity.

She took in a breath. "Yes."

"You know his reputation, right? He is using you."

"No. He is not." Serenity said. Hitarus was making her mad. Sin doesn't have a reputation except as a great warrior for the Queen.

"Look as your brother..."

"And as your Queen, you do not give me orders." She demanded in a stern voice.

They stood together and waited. The command got Hilarus off his guard. "I'm sorry. I don't want to see you make a mistake for this Kingdom."

She gave him a look. Hilarus never cares for Serenity. Since the day she has been born, he would not give her the side glance. "Why do you care?"

"Dear sister, I always care." He put on a fake expression.

Serenity pushed him away and stomped out of the Moon Crystal Dome. She ran back to the main part of the Crystal Kingdom. Serenity bursted through her bed room door then ran to bed. She threw her body in the comfortable mattress and laid her head in the sheets.

"Why me?" She mumbled into the sheets.

"Because the Queen choose you. You are beautiful and strong. Wise. You are the best choice for being this Kingdom's ruler."

Serenity sat up and turned to see Sin leaning against the door frame. A smile spread across her face. The moonlight shunned in from her balcony. She watched Sin slowly walk to her. Her arms held out to him as he came toward her. His arms grabbed around waists and hers went around her neck.

"I love you, Serenity."

She looked up at him. After a year of them being kept a secret, he had finally told her how he felt. Serenity had never told him she loved him either.

"I love you too, Sin."

They pulled each other in for a kiss. Serenity laid on the bed with Sin on top of her. They kissed more and his hand went to her leg. She pulled her legs around his waist. The two slits of the dress bared all of her legs. Sin's hand went inside her dress and his cold hand touched her bare back.

"Marry me." He whispers as she kissed his neck.

She gave Sin a long kiss. "Yes."

Sailor Moon: Siliver MillineumWhere stories live. Discover now