Chapter 8

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The bed moved on Sin's side of the bed. Serenity rolled over to find her fiancé sitting on the bed. He was looking down at her. His large hands moved her white hair off her face and cooled her skin. "Your not feeling well?"

"I was having a brunch with Nehelenia and I got sick. My brother had to help me to my bed." Serenity explained. Her voice was weak from throwing up twice. All the food I. Her body was gone now and she had no energy left.

Sin kissed her forehead. "You don't feel like you have a fever."

Serenity nodded. "I think I have food poisoning"

His face was washed with worry. "I'll go to the kitchen and make sure they double check all the food they prepare for you. The maids will send you soup in a minute once I talk to them too."

All of Serenity's worries about Sin floated away. She knew he cared about her. The things that people told her about her lover wasnt true. She smiled up at him. "Thank you. I love you so much."

Sin kissed her passionately on the lips. "I love you."

Once the door closed behind him, the Queen fell back to sleep.


Serenity woke up feeling like herself. She rolled over in bed once more to make sure she didn't feel dizzy. As she sat up, Serenity realized the sick feeling was gone.

Putting on a clean dress and slipping her heels on, Serenity decided to walk around the castle. Since she wasnt aloud to get out much, she usually walked to halls to keep herself busy.

As the Queen walked past the Great Hall, she looked at each picture closely. For the first time in ages, she read the name and time they lived. Each queen had an achieve they reached. As Serenity got to get mother's, she studied it hard. Her mother's youth was back to her face in the picture. Queen Harmony's face looked bright from her smile and Serenity could almost hear her laugh. Her eyes closed for a moment as she went back...


Her white hair moved back with her head. She connected eyes with Sailor Jupiter, Hera. Her brown hair was up in her usual bun with a price the stuck out. The main colors in her outfit were dark green and light green. Serenity smiles at her friend. "You know you can call me Serenity."

Hera shook her head. "I didn't know... Are you okay?"

Taken back by the question, Serenity tried to compose herself. She had been asking herself that forever. "Yes, it was just something I ate. I feel so much better."

"Are you sure it was just the food?"

Serenity looked away from Jupiter. It has to be the food that made her sick. She can't be... "Yes, I'm sure. It didn't feel right when I ate it."

Hera stood for a moment. "Okay, I was just checking. We can't have our Queen getting sick."

Serenity gave Hera a huge smile. "No! We can't."

Jupiter walked over to the Queen's side and looked at the belated Queen Harmony. "You will be up there soon." She stated.

Serenity nodded. "I know. I guess I should start putting that together."

"Maybe you should plan that once you are married. You have a wedding to plan."

A sigh escaped her mouth. Serenity had been putting that to the side for awhile because of the new evil and her becoming Queen. "I know. Has there been anything new about the evil?"

Hera shook her head. "No. Only now, more and more people are becoming possessed. It's starting to become harder to treat"

"Has Heatia seen anything?"

A weird emotion crossed Hera's face. She looked at Serenity with panic but it slowly faded. "Nothing."

Serenity nodded. The conversation ended and after a moment, Jupiter walked off. Her boots clicked against the floor until Serenity couldn't hear it anymore. She knew what the panic was on Hera's face. The rumors a bout Sin and Hestia. Hera had heard them too.

The Queen sighed. Her shoulders felt heavy from the weight she was mentally carrying.

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