Chapter 10

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"You look different. Like you have a bridal glow."

Nehelenia and Serenity were having their usual tea on the patio. The weather was bright and sunny like always.

Serenity took a sip. "I am happy. I cannot wait to spend my life with Sin."

"But hasn't he been seeing Hestia lately?"

"She is a priestess, Nehelenia. He probably has been seeing her for help. The man has a lot of worries because he is Captain." Serenity told her cousin.

Nehelenia just nodded her head. "When is the wedding?"

"Two weeks."

Her cousin's cup made a loud noise as it hit the table. Nehelenia's eyes were wide from shock. "Isn't that a bit... Soon?"

"I don't think so. We are just ready to get married." Serenity lied.

Nehelenia studied her. "You are still a virgin, right?"

Serenity gave her a look. "Yes. Why would you ask me that?"

"I was just asking!" Serenity's cousin said quickly. Nehelenia took another sip and let the information sink in.

Serenity held back a laugh. "Everyone is invited, even the citizens. It will be in the temple of course. I think I'll have all my Scouts dressed up in their dresses as my bridesmaids. Sin wants to have a few of his friends from the army as his groomsmen so it will be a big wedding."

"Wow, it sounds amazing. I cannot wait to go! Have you gotten your dress?" Nehelenia asked with amazement.

Serenity nodded. "My usual woman I use to make my dresses is going to surprise me. She knows what I like to this will be very fun."

Nehelenia laughed and clapped her hands. "Oh, Im so happy! Then in a year or two, you two will be having kids."

Serenity couldn't help the smile. "I don't know..."


Serenity walked the courtyard as the thought. She knew Sin deserved to know she was with child but she couldn't bring herself to tell him. Sin was do busy with the army and his duties... She didn't want to give him another thing to worry about.

Her gaze went out to her city. Today, there were 20 people found with the new evil. The Scouts were doing their best with it but she knew it was too much. The power was spreading and it would take something powerful to stop it. Serenity knew it would have to be her to stop it, maybe.

She let out a sigh. "This is so hard."

"It doesn't have to be. We just have to wait to see if the evil goes away. We will find the source."

Serenity turned to Hestia. Her purple hair blew in the wind as she walked towards the Queen. Hestia opened her mouth. "You haven't came to the temple."

"I have been busy." Serenity lied. She felt guilty for thinking her friend was with Sin.

"It's the rumors."

It wasnt a question. It was a statement. "Everyone keeps yelling me all these things. It's hard to see what it the truth now."

Hestia's arms went around Serenity as she hugged her. The Queen hugged her friend back. The stood there for a moment and didn't speak.

Hestia pulled back and held Serenity at an arms length. Her hand rested on her shoulder. "You are with child."

With her extra sixth sense, Hestia had the power to see the future. "Sin doesn't know." Serenity warned her.

"You need to go tell him." Hestia ordered.

Serenity sighed. "I know."

"He will be happy."

"It's against the law for the, Hestia. You know that." The Queen argued.

Mars shrugged her shoulders. "Your wedding is in two weeks. It will be okay."

"I hope so. But what if..."

"Queen Serenity."

The two turned to see a servant. He head was down as she bowed. "Dinner is ready."

"I have to go, Hestia." Serenity told her friend. They both waved as the Queen walked to her Dinner Room. The servants had cleaned up Hilaris's mess. The table was up with a white cloth over it. The candles were lot in the middle and am empty plate sat in her spot. But to Serenity's surprise, Sin was sitting to the left of her chair.

Serenity gracefully walked to her seat and sat next to Sin. "I didn't know you were eating with me."

He smiled at her. Sin's teeth were pearly white. "Better get used to it since we will be married in a few days. Anyways, we are together. We need to eat together."

Serenity agreed with that completely. As the servants served their meals to them, another came to the Queen's side and lifted the wine bottle to the wine glass.

"Can I have water instead, please?" Serenity asked nicely. She tried to act casual.

"You love your white wine." Sin looked at her with suspicion.

Serenity shrugged and gave him a weird look. "I already had a glass with Hestia so I thought it would be better to not have another."

Sin smiled at her again and got close to her ear. He whispered, "I like it when you are a bit tipsy."

Goosebumps crawled on her skin as his breath hit her neck. Blood crept up to her checks and she smiled shyly. "Sin..."

He smiled at her with laughter in his eyes. He always liked to bring up the time she had first brought Sin to her room. Her mother and father had had a ball for winning a war. Since he was captain, Sin was there along with Serenity. They had been dated for two months. After a few glasses of wine, Serenity and Sin found themselves in her bed.

"You are so mean."

Sin laughed and pulled her in for a kiss. "It's okay. That was the night also knew I could never be with another woman again."

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