Chapter 12

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For the first time in days, Serenity walked to the temple. The war was starting to worry her and she needed help from her friend. It wouldn't be bad to hear about the future either.


"Yes?" From around the corner, Serenity's purple haired friend walks in.

Serenity walks up to her friend. "We are going to war."

Hestia nodded. She already knew. "I saw it once you found out. The servants also told me about the fight between Hilarus."

The Queen sighed and sat down. She suddenly felt tired and work out. "I don't want to fight him."

"I know but you have to."

"Can... Can you see anything?" Serenity asked Hestia.

She staired off for a moment the blinked. Her eyebrows scrunched together. "I can't see anything. It's black."

Serenity sighed and put her head in her hands. "So many lives are being threatened."

Hestia put her hand on Serenity's shoulder. "Right now, we will fight for the two lives that mean the most."

Serenity looked up into her friend's eyes. She was talking about the Sailors. "I know."


Serenity sat in her room alone. Like Hilarus was doing the night before, she was studying the map. It was a simple one. To the right was Crystal Tokyo and to the left was the Dark Kingdom. The only thing that was separating the two was a large forest.

The two kingdoms both had large cities next to the castles. The cities has large skyscrapers and buildings but there were also suburbs to the citizens. There are a few parks here and there. A couple small rivers run into the Moon River, which connects through the two kingdoms.

Serenity sighed out loud. If Hilarus was right about the citizens, she was surrounded. But she hasn't done anything to them. Serenity did her job as Queen like help them from evil and listen to their problems. So how could she messed up?

Hilarus was lying.

The Queen slapped the table. She murmured to herself, "There is a bigger picture than this. I know it. It is right under my nose."

She took her eyes off the map and looked out the window. The sun. It was bright and there were no clouds at all in the sky.

"Reiji." Serenity spoke to the sun.

Pushing back her chair, the Queen walked away from her table. She closed the two large doors behind her as she walked down the hall. Serenity knew where most of her Scouts walked when they were doing their job.

Serenity walked to the courtyard and out to the edge of yard of her Kingdom. Most of the time, she isn't able to walk outside of those limits.

Sailor Venus, Aphrodite, was walking the edge. Serenity walked up the blonde headed girl. "Aphrodite!"

A wide smile spread across her face. "Serenity! It's nice to see you!"

Serenity gave her a tight smile. She loved her friend but this was about the war. "I need all Scouts to come here."

"All?" Venus asked. She was taken back. All the Sailors don't come unless it is an emergency.

"Yes. All. Even Reiji and Tellus."

Aphrodite stood there for a moment without a word. "Is this about the war?"

Serenity nodded. "Please, just get them here soon."

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