Chapter 16

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With her eyes closed, Serenity moved her wand up slowly. With the crystal pointing toward Hilarus, she let all of her power sink into the crystal. She felt the warm glow as it hit Hilaeus. Serenity opened her eyes and gasped for air. Her knees hit the floor and her hands grabbed her neck.

Hilarus shook his head. Stars danced in his eyes from the blow to his head. He used his hands to push himself up the wall. It was his opportunity. Serenity was on the ground gasping for breath. The blade of his sword scrapped the floor.

Serenity looked up. The light from the sun gleamed off the blade. It blinded her eyes. With a death grip, she hold up her wand. She knocks the sword with the moon crescent. Hilarus looses his grip and the sword falls out of his hand.

In slow motion, the sword flies toward Serenity. She reaches her hand into the air. The cool grip of the sword touches her palm. Her fingers circle around it and she gets a firm grip. In her right hand was the wand and in her left was Hilarus's sword.

He looked at her in terroir. Hilarus was done and he knew it. Serenity knew it too.

She smiled. With a wave of her hand, the sword slashes his arm. It was only a superficial wound. The blade had ripped through his sleeve and blood started to drip.

"Give up now and you can go. Free." Serenity bargained with him as she pointed the end of the sword in Hilarus's face.

He started to chuckle. "What's so funny?" Serenity asked.

"I can't stop the evil."

Serenity flinched. "What do you mean?"

"I shook hands with Chaos, Serenity!" He yelled at her out of frustration.

"Chaos?" The word felt like venom on her tongue.

"She is more powerful than you. Than the Silver Millennium. She can destroy anything in her way." Hilarus smiled. "Chaos can destroy you without touching you."

Serenity's eyes board hola into his head. Impossible. What can be stronger than the crystal?

"You don't believe me? Look over the balcony. Everything you see is what Chaos has caused."

Serenity turned her head to the battle field. The whole time she was up there, she could hear the screams. The Queen had been too scared too look. And still was. Bit Serenity gathered her strength and slowly walked to the wall. As she looked over, a cry came out of her mouth.

Over the balcony, guards laid on the ground dead. Blood stained the Royal Yard. Several of the Sailors laid on the ground. The others that still stood were exhausted and ready to fall. Citizens were crowded everywhere and ready to kill anything I'm their way.

A tear ran down Serenity's check. She was loosing the war.

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