Chapter 9

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The Queen sat at the head of the table while her servants served dinner. In front of her was a plate of fish with green vegetables next to it. They sat a glass of white wine beside the plate. Serenity thought for a moment then took a small sip. The wine gave her a fruity taste.

Hands dropped on her shoulders and the pressure made her muscles hurt. The strong hands were holding her down. Serenity spit the wine back up and put the glass on the table. She turned her body around to find Hilarus smiling.

"Your shoulders are tense."

She sat there for a moment before saying anything back. "It is a lot of work to be Queen."

"Maybe you should let me help." Hilarus said. He walked around her seat and sat next to her. He sat in the seat to the left, which is where Sin was suppose to sit. Serenity noticed earlier that he wasnt here to eat with her. A tiny concern popped in her head.

"I'm fine. This is how it is suppose to be." Serenity told her brother. Digging her fork into the fish, she raised the fork to her mouth and ate it.

"I was thinking..."

Her eyes went up to him. Hilarus was always up to no good when he said that. "Yes."

"You should split your power with me. We could rein side by side with each other. That way it wouldn't be so much work and stress on you."


His face changed. It turned to a deep red as his temper flared. "No?"

"I will be marrying Sin soon and then he will help me. I can split my moo wee with him. That's how it is suppose to be, Hilarus." Serenity told him before taking another bit.

"He is a cheating bastard."

Serenity dropped her fork. It clinked against her plate. "Excuse me? Are you accusing the Queen's fiancé of a crime that he did not do?"

"Serenity, he has been visiting Hestia..."

"That does not mean he is doing anything with her."

"It doesn't mean he isn't either."

Serenity's hands balled up. Hilarus was ruining her moon and dinner. "I am Queen. I was chosen. I have the power, you don't. Now get out of here."

"Serenity..." Hilarus tried to sooth."

"I said get out!" She yelled.

Hilarus pushed his chair back. He stood up and put his hands on Serenity's arms. His grip was strong and bruising her arms. "You cannot talk to me like that. I deserve to be in your place."

Hilarus's face was inches from Serenity. She used all her courage to not break down. "You are a complete fool. Now get out of my face."

Her brother let go. Before walking away, he garbled the table's side and tips it over. It slams to the floor while the plates break. Her wine glass had the white wine spreading across the floor. The half eaten fish was now slide across the floor. Hilarus walked out leaving Serenity to the mess.

Servants came out to her the Queen but she didn't want the help. She didn't need it either. Instead, Serenity walks out the room and runs to her chambers. Tears threat to escape but she doesn't will then to go until she closes the door behind her. With her back to the large double doors, Serenity slide down it and cried. With her head in her knees, tears stained her dress.

A knock came on the door. "Honey? Open up. Please? What's wrong?"

Serenity's anger grew as she opened the door for Sin. He was concerned but she ignored that. "Where were you?"

"I was at the temple..."

She narrowed her eyes at him. Hilarus was right, he was with Hestia. "Oh, you were with her, eh?"

"Who? Hestia?" Sin questioned.

Serenity let out a laugh and walked away from him. Sin walked in behind her then closed the door. "Yes. Hestia. You think I'm some kind of fool? I have ears, Sin. I hear what others say."

Sin reached for her but Serenity took a step back. "I am not cheating on you."

"Oh really? Well you know, tell that to everyone who talks. I can hear the servants and..." Before Serenity could finish her argument, Sin kissed her. His hands wrapped around her waist as he pulled her close to him. She kissed him back and let her hands go through his hair. Her body ached for his.

Sin pulled away from the kiss. "I am not cheating on you. I love you."

"Okay. Prove it." Serenity dared him.

Sin pulled her up and carried her to the bed like a baby. He latex her on the bed as he got on top of her. Her lips found his again and her fingers played with his shirt. As the unbutton his shirt, Sin's hands roamed her body. One hand cupped her breast as the other hiked up her dress.

Serenity pulled on his shirt as Sin took out his arms. She threw his shirt in the floor and Serenity watched it float for a bit before hitting the ground. Sin's hot kisses lead a trail to her neck. He began to kiss down her neck to her chest. He kissed right in the middle of her chest before pulling her dress all the way up. Serenity helped by grabbing the ends of it and pulling it over her head. Then, they made love.


Serenity laid on the bed and listened to the sounds of Sin's snoring. The same sickness pulled at her stomach. It had woken her and now, she couldn't shake it off.

Her feet patted against the floor as she jogged to the bathroom. She knelt down next to the toliet and threw up. The fish she had eaten earlier tasted in her mouth. Her fingers found the nozzle and she flushed it.

"Oh no." Serenity groaned. She sat against her wall in the bathroom. Her fears started to come to her.

She was pregnant.

As Queen, she can't have a baby without being married. Having sex before marriage was against the rules but she had broken that with Sin long ago. Now, it was coming back on here. Since she had broken the rule, she couldn't rein as Queen.

Tears rolled across her check again. Hilarus was going to be so happy to see her thrown off her thrown.

She and Sin needed to get married as soon as possible.

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